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The Witch Circles were witch covens based in the Sharval Wilds.


The Witch Circles worshipped the moon, and drew their magic from it. All circles of worth, even those that weren't in contact with each other, knew the duty of caution when drawing their power.[1]


Based on comments made by certain witches, it appears that some circles were of higher standing than others (though this could be attributed to arrogance on the witches' part).[1]

The Witch Circles appear to have used the following ranks:

  • Prima - The nominal leader of a circle
  • Wardkeeper - The protector of the secrets and lore of a circle[1]
  • Surveyor


Long ago, the Circles made contact with a group of demons called the Voidwound. The Circles were divided on how to approach these beings; Ophinneb the Skin-Veiled made an offer of a stay of one generation, and while the Untameable Wilds circle was ready to refuse, the Nightgrant circle appeased the demons, as they believed the Voidwound had much to teach them. They begged for a stay of three generations; to sit in their lairs and feed. The Voidwound offered the Nightgrant dark blessings in return.[1]

The Untameable Wilds circle disrupted the arrangement, as they drove the Nightgrant off, and sealed Catarag the Strangling Sun. To seal the other demons, the Untameable Wilds circle constructed the Voidwound Cage. The Voidwound possessed them, but this was a trap, and the Voidwound were caged to the witches, just as they were caged themselves. They offered the Voidwound a deal; their lives and warmth for their revelry. They contained the Voidwound within their poisoned bodies long enough to reach the Forgotten Sea, and sank the cage beneath the waves. The remaining witches of the circle were charged with renewing the cage's wards.[1]

The aftermath of the events drew a wedge between the circles; the Waning Sentinel circle refused to speak with the Nightgrant in any other fashion than pacts. The Nightgrant was exiled from Sharval, and would be given no shelter. The circles also had to adapt to the arrival of new faiths in Entsteig, as well as the construction of cities.[1]

Known Circles[]

