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Waiting Doom is a Realm of Damnation side quest in Diablo Immortal. It is triggered if the player talks to Zepydra at the northern entrance of the Citadel of the Damned.


Follow the angel Zepydra into the Hall of Punishment to look for missing angels.

Follow Zephydra deeper into the Hall of Punishment.

Destroy the demons that surround the tortured angelic prisoner.

You've reached a trapped prisoner, but Zephydra is hanging back. Speak with them.

While Zephydra tries to contain the trapped angel's curse, find the last missing angel.

Destroy the demons that surround the tortured angel.

The angel is trapped and suffering--free them from their bonds.

Defeat the demonic jailers and see their evil ended for good.

The prisoner still lives. Talk with Zephydra.


  • Follow Zepydra
  • Kill the Demon
  • Follow Zepydra
  • Kill the Demon
  • Talk to Zepydra
  • Find the Prisoner
  • Destroy Nathrum
  • Free the Angel
  • Kill the Demons
  • Talk to Zepydra


  • Zepydra: Three from the Last Vestige were not at their appointed positions. This bodes ill.
  • Zepydra: Your feckless violence may have utility, mortal. Accompany me as I search for them.
  • Angelic Prisoner: There is a doom upon us all, Zephydra! Keep back!
  • Doomwarden: You will never find salvation.
  • Zepydra: I...could do nothing...
  • Zepydra: We hasten to the others. Cautiously, that we do not suffer the same fate.
  • Zepydra: The doom--it must stay away. Slay them all, mortal!
  • Doomwarden: Look upon your kin in torment. You will soon join them.
  • Zepydra: Doom has not befallen this one yet. But it will.
  • Zepydra: If my power suffices...I will break the curse. It may take some time.
  • Zepydra: I know that you are able, mortal. The work of saving my brethren falls to you.
  • Class: The last prisoner should be here.
  • Doomwarden: Ah...the cry of one who knows doom is near. Nothing else is so delightsome.
  • Nathrum: Abandon your arrogance, mortal. Damnation is greater than us both.
  • Class: I'm with Zepydra. Are you alive?
  • Angelic Prisoner: Unbearable...my light recedes...
  • Zepydra: Yet more! Smite them, mortal, as is your wont!
  • Zepydra: Hell's evil seeps through every crack in our plan. We must regroup. Guard your life, mortal--we will have need of each other again.