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Visitor from Afar is a Realm of Damnation side quest in Diablo Immortal. It triggers if the player talks to the Kyrel whenever he appears to the west of the Halls of Punishment Waypoint in the Molten Egress.

Afar Visitor-map

Where to find the side quest


  • Find the Visitor.
    (The angel Kyrel claims to have seen another mortal in the Realm of Damnation. Follow and find them.)
  • Kill the Hellhounds (0/2).
    (You've spotted hellhounds fighting over something that could be a remnant of the mortal Kyrel saw. Defeat them.)
  • Retrieve the Cloak (0/1).
    (The hellhounds were fighting over Tassi's cloak. Retrieve it.)
  • Continue the Search.
    (If Tassi's in the Hells, she's in unparalleled danger. Look for her further to the north.)
  • Examine the Spear (0/1).
    (You've found Tassi's spear broken on the ground. Inspect it.)
  • Find Tassi.
    (You can hear Tassi's voice—she's still alive and fighting. Rush to her aid.)
  • Kill the Twinfangs (0/2).
    (Tassi is surrounded by twinfangs above one of the realm's lava pools. Help her defeat the demons and survive.)
  • Give Tassi her Cloak.
    (Tassi's alive, and the demons are dispatched. Return her cloak.)
  • Talk to Tassi.
    (Talk to Tassi and find out what in the Hells she's doing here.)


Afar Visitor
  • Kyrel: Do you seek more of your kind?
  • Class
    • Standard: What.. do you mean?
    • Blood Knight: My kind don't convene where there are prying eyes. What did you see?
  • Kyrel: I saw demons pursuing a mortal that resembles you in statue. Small. Foolish, to intrude on this realm.
    But daring. These Hellspawns are their kills. Perhaps,they yet live.
Follow the trail of Hellhound Corpses to find the Visitor
Afar Visitor1

The player comes across two hellhounds fighting over something

  • Class: They're fighting over something... but it doesn't look like a body.
After killing the Hellhound
  • Class: That's Tassi's cloak.
Pick up the Cloak
  • Class: I don't think I've seen her part with it.
Continue along the path in search of Tassi
Afar Visitor2

The player comes across two hellhound corpses and a broken spear

  • Class: If she's been disarmed...
    It's broken. Tassi! Where are you?
Examine the Spear
  • Tassi: (from a distance) Die, fiend!
  • Class: Keep fighting! I'm nearly there.
Hurry to Tassi's location
Afar Visitor3

Tassi is fighting two Twinfangs

  • Tassi: Why did you not tell me there would be so many?
After defeating the Twinfangs
  • Tassi: Thank you for this. I can fight without it, but I prefer not to.
Afar Visitor4

Return Tassi's cloak to her

  • Tassi: It's good to see you while we are both still alive.
  • Class: What are you doing here, Tassi?
  • Tassi: You are not the only person with an obligation to the future. As you fight this land, I will do so. Our paths intertwine.




Quest Items[]
