Diablo Wiki

The Vampire are a race of undead creature orginaly created by the true Horazon to guard his Arcane Sanctuary.[1]


The vampire were summouned by the rouge mage Horazon to defend his Arcane Sanctuary. Possesed by the demoic fire of hell, they summom fireballs to cast at there doomed eniemies to burn off the flesh so they could conduct their experiments agaisnt the dead. Their touch is so cold it sucks the life out of its eniemies.


They can cast several Sorceress skills to destroy there eniemies. These include,Fireball, Fire Wall, Meteor, as well as their own skill, a life stealing missle attack. Their melee attack has a chance to cause cold damage.

Their diffrent forms are, The Banished, Ghoul Lords, Night Lords, Dark Lords, and Blood Lords. They are seen in Act 1 through 3 in Diablo 2.

