Use the opening to escape the mines"Neyrelle, Vigo, and I ventured further into the Condemned Mines in pursuit of Lilith and Vhenard, Neyrelle's mother, enduring falling rocks and countless unspeakable creatures. We must find a way through."
Vigo: Maybe we should go back up, round up the Knights.
Neyrelle: And leave my mother in Lilith's care for as long as that will take? No. I'm going on.
Neyrelle: A dead end.
Vigo: Beams are too damn old. Shaking like leaves.
Neyrelle: What's special about this place anyway? What would draw Lilith here?
Vigo: Hm, hell if I know. Prava doesn't tell us anything. "No-one goes in, nothing comes out." That's all.
Vigo: No lift. The jam must be deeper down.
Class: Locked.
Neyrelle: Over here, I can squeeze through to the other side.
Vigo: Wait, hold on.
Vigo: And there she goes.
Vigo: Enemies approaching. Nowhere to go. Fight's come to us this time.
Neyrelle: Almost there!
Vigo: Open that door, girl!
Neyrelle: I've got it!
Vigo: That was quick thinking.
Neyrelle: Sure.
Vigo: Why would your mother leave you like that?
Neyrelle: She wouldn't. Or she shouldn't have. I'm sure she had good reason.