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Ume's Lament is a unique Grim Wand from Diablo II.

Its boost to Mana and Cast Rate seem to make Ume's Lament directed slightly more towards Bonemancers; however, it also gives a sizeable boost to Decrepify and a +2 bonus to all Necromancer skills, which is a useful for any type of Necromancer.



Ume's Lament
Grim Wand

One-Hand Damage: 5 To 11
Required Level: 28
Durability: 15
Staff Class - Fast Attack Speed
+50% Damage to Undead
+2 To Necromancer Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
+40 To Mana
Hit Causes Monster To Flee +50%
+2 To Decrepify (Necromancer Only)
+3 To Terror (Necromancer Only)
