Diablo Wiki
"Tomb Vipers are the weakest of the lot, constantly suffering the brutality of their serpentine kin."

- Monster summary(src)

Tomb Vipers are a variation of the Claw Viper monster. They are unused. They were supposed to be most likely in Catacombs Level 2 of Act I. Also there is an extremely dangerous Guest monster bearing their name in-game. They deal Fire damage with their tail. They don't gain any speed boost while charging.


Tomb Viper
Tomb Viper
Property Normal Nightmare Hell
Type Animal Animal Animal
Act(s) found in 1 1 1
Monster Level 11 43 75
Health points
Damage 1
Attack Rating 1
Damage 2
Attack Rating 2
% to Block 12 12 12
Damage Resist 0 0 40
Magic Resist 0 0 0
Fire Resist 0 0 33
Cold Resist 0 0 100
Lightning Resist 0 0 0
Poison Resist 0 0 0
Drain Effectiveness 100 75 50
Immunities Cold
Chill Effectiveness 50 45 40
Walk/Run Speed 4 4
Group/Minion Size 1-2
Claw Viper

Tomb ViperClaw ViperSalamanderPit ViperSerpent Magus
