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The Vile Husk is a unique Tusk Sword from Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.

Perhaps a spiritual sister to fellow exceptional unique sword, Plague Bearer, the Vile Husk deals a very large amount of Poison damage along with its already large enhanced damage.

However, several factors differentiate the Vile Husk from Plague Bearer. While Plague Bearer deals more Poison Damage, the Vile Husk is amazingly effective against Undead enemies. With effectiveness against Undead that increases with each level, the Vile Husk will do phenomenal amounts of damage sure to kill any Undead foe at high enough levels.

The Vile Husk also has a chance to cast Amplify Damage. One of the most useful curses for a physical fighter, Amplify Damage would further increase the damage of the Vile Husk. This is particularly effective against bosses, against whom prolonged battles tend to occur.



The Vile Husk
Tusk Sword

One-Hand Damage: (25-30) To (92-111)
Two-Hand Damage: (47-57) To (145-174)
Required Level: 44
Required Strength: 104
Required Dexterity: 71
Durability: 50
Sword Class - Fast Attack Speed
+150-200% Enhanced Damage
+ (7.5 Per Character Level) 7-742% Damage To Undead (Based On Character Level)
+ (10 Per Character Level) 10-990 To Attack Rating against Undead (Based On Character Level)
+250 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds
6% Chance To Cast Level 1 Amplify Damage On Striking
Poison Resist +50%

Diablo II Unique Swords

Normal Swords — Rixot's Keen (Short Sword) • Blood Crescent (Scimitar) • Skewer of Krintiz (Sabre) • Gleamscythe (Falchion) • Griswold's Edge (Broad Sword) • Hellplague (Long Sword) • Culwen's Point (War Sword) • Shadowfang (Two-Handed Sword) • Soulflay (Claymore) • Kinemil's Awl (Giant Sword) • Blacktongue (Bastard Sword) • Ripsaw (Flamberge) • The Patriarch (Great Sword)
Exceptional Swords — Bloodletter (Gladius) • Coldsteel Eye (Cutlass) • Hexfire (Shamshir) • Blade of Ali Baba (Tulwar) • Ginther's Rift (Dimensional Blade) • Headstriker (Battle Sword) • Plague Bearer (Rune Sword) • The Atlantean (Ancient Sword) • Crainte Vomir (Espandon) • Bing Sz Wang (Dacian Falx) • The Vile Husk (Tusk Sword) • Cloudcrack (Gothic Sword) • Todesfaelle Flamme (Zweihander) • Swordguard (Executioner Sword)
Elite Swords — Djinn Slayer (Ataghan) • Bloodmoon (Elegant Blade) • Lightsabre (Phase Blade) • Azurewrath (Phase Blade) • Frostwind (Cryptic Sword) • Flamebellow (Balrog Blade) • Doombringer (Champion Sword) • The Grandfather (Colossus Blade)
