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The Stony Tomb
Act Act II
Quests None
Levels 2
Monsters Horror,
Dung Soldier,
Lvl 1 only:
Burning Dead Mage L,
Lvl 2 only:
Burning Dead Mage P
Super Unique Monsters Creeping Feature (Lvl 2)
Adjacent Zones Rocky Waste
Area Level Normal 12
Area Level Nightmare 44
Area Level Hell Original 78, 79

Resurrected 85, 85

Waypoint No

The Stony Tomb is a small two-level dungeon accessible from the Rocky Waste outside Lut Gholein, full of Skeletons and Scarabs. On its second level is the Super Unique Creeping Feature guarding a treasure chest.

This is the only tomb without some type of Greater Mummy, and just scarabs and skeletons, making it easier compared to later tombs.

The Stony Tomb is a mediocre area for magic finding or grinding experience in Diablo II. However, in Diablo II: Resurrected, it was upgraded to be a level 85 area, allowing boss packs in it to drop high-end unique and set items. Its high monster density, relatively close proximity to a town, presence of a super chest, and weak mix of creatures make it an outstanding treasure hunting area in the remaster.
