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The Iceburn Tear is the fourth core quest of Frozen Tundra in Diablo Immortal. It begins immediately after the conclusion of Through the Ruins, after the player enters the portal to Bitter Hearth. The Iceburn Tear is immediately followed by Those Who Come Before.


  • Follow Navair.
  • Talk to Chieftain Kientarc.
  • Follow Navair.
  • Talk to Tassi.
  • Enter the Cavern of Echoes.
    • Search the Cavern for the Iceburn Tear
    • Break through the Ice Barrier
    • Kill Bloodrime
    • Reach the Iceburn Tear
    • Kill the Glacial Colossus
    • Kill the Chilling Constructs (0/10)
    • Kill the Glacial Colossus
    • Kill the Chilling Constructs (0/10)
    • Kill the Glacial Colossus
    • Kill the Chilling Constructs (0/10)
    • Kill the Glacial Colossus
    • Exit the Cavern of Echoes
  • Return to Tassi in Bitter Hearth.
  • Talk to Navair.
  • Give the Iceburn Tear to Tassi.
  • Talk to Tassi.


The player appears at Bitter Hearth waypoint
  • Navair: We'll want to speak with the chieftain as soon as possible. This way.
Meanwhile, Ull tends to the bonfire
  • Ull: (to himself) Damn this cold!

With the chieftain

  • Navair: Chief Kientarc, is Tassi here? I have someone she needs to meet.
  • Chieftain Kientarc: (turns to face the duo) Tassi? What is the matter?
  • Class
    • Normal: A shard of the Worldstone has returned to Arreat. The man who carries it intends to deliver the stone to a demon lord named Skarn. Now he has taken refuge in the realm of the dead and we are powerless to stop him.
    • Barbarian: A shard of the Worldstone has returned to Arreat. The man who carries it intends to deliver the stone to a demon lord named Skarn. He has taken refuge in the realm of the dead and we must find a way to follow after him.
  • Chieftain Kientarc: By the Ancients! Our people bled and our mountain was shattered to prevent the Heart of the World from falling into a demon lord's hand. What you speak of cannot be allowed!
  • Class: Yet I cannot stop him if I cannot cross into the realm of death.
  • Chieftain Kientarc: Navair, take our guest here to Tassi. Let us pray that she has answers.
  • Navair: Tassi should be near the tents.
Follow Navair to meet Tassi

With Tassi

  • Class: Excuse the urgency, but we are in need of help. My enemy has crossed over into a realm beyond ours, where only spirits may tread. I am told you may know of a way I can follow after him.
  • Tassi: Only spirits? You speak of the Unformed Land... I'm sorry, but I am no witch doctor. I am one of sword and shield, not one who guides others between life and death. To even try such a thing would put your soul at risk!
  • Class: I must reclaim the Worldstone shard. Risk be damned.
  • Tassi: Here I was, sent on a pilgrimage but unable to fulfill my purpose. Then, the spirits send a stranger, who needs the very object I seek without even knowing it. Very well, let us both embrace our destinies.
    Not far from here is the Cavern of Echoes. Buried within its unnatural ice is one of the seven stones: the Iceburn Tear. Acquire it and bring it to me. With its power, death's fangs may lose some of their bite.
Tassi returns to tending to her cauldron on fire
  • Navair: Friend, I will speak with the Chieftain while you are gone. After what we saw, I cannot let you assault Sescheron alone. When you are ready, I hope my tribe will be fighting beside you.
  • Class: Good luck with your talk Navair. I will return with the Iceburn Tear shortly.
  • Navair: When you leave town, head east until you reach the Frozen Lake. There, in its deepest recesses, you'll find the Cavern of Echoes.
    Here, this will help you fight the cold. May Bul-Kathos give you the strength to conquer the challenges ahead.
Navair gives the player a White Snow Ward
  • Tassi: Be careful in that cavern. The Iceburn Tear is one of the Seven Stones... Do not underestimate it.
Head over to the Cavern of Echoes

Cavern of Echoes[]


Inside the Cavern

  • Class: The biting cold is unrelenting, even from here. Is this the power of the Iceburn Tear?
For the walkthrough of the rest of the dungeon, see Cavern of Echoes.
After defeating the Glacial Colossus, collect the Iceburn Tear
  • Class: I can feel it... an unnatural cold. And there's something else? I hear... Voices? I must bring it to Tassi at once.
Exit the Cavern of Echoes and return to Bitter Hearth
  • Navair: (approaches the player) Do you have the Tear?

Show her the Iceburn Tear

  • Navair: Unbelievable. I can feel its cold from over here. Not many have escaped that cavern with their lives, much less holding the Tear.
    • Normal: If only my people still had the courage you bear. But our wills have become as broken as our home. Still, this is exactly the kind of victory that rouses spirits. Come, let us return to camp.
    • Barbarian: If only the rest of our people had the courage you bear. But our wills have become as broken as our home. Still, this is exactly the kind of victory that rouses spirits. Come, let us return to camp.

With Tassi

  • Tassi: That cold... Yes, that is it! You have the stone! Please, let me see it!
Give the Iceburn Tear to Tassi
  • Tassi: A sacred stone. To think I would hold such a thing.
Dousing Tear

The Iceburn Tear douses the nearby fire

  • Ull: (stands angrily) The fire!
  • Tassi: See how not even flame can withstand its presence.
    (to Ull) A lost flame can be reignited, Ull. Do not fret too much.
  • Tassi: The Seven Stones are artifacts that my clan has been seeking for ages. While I am no expert in the spirit world, know that wielding the Tear gives death much less authority over a mortal's life.
  • Class: And how does that help us?
  • Tassi: Claiming this stone has granted you its boon and the spirits of this mountain will now be able to sense your presence. Your soul bridges life and death, and it is the dead 'who will guide you into their realm, not l.
    To the north, the Ice Clan khazra have claimed the graveyard of the ancients. Clear out their infestation. Present their war banner to the spirits of old, and perhaps they will grant you permission to walk amongst them.



Cold Isles
Relentless Tide (Tempest-only)
Ashwold Cemetery
The Risen Dead
The Exiled Apprentice
Consulting the Guards
The Handmaiden
The Tomb of the Queen
Into Ashwold Manor
Masters of Death
Battle for the Shard
City of the Light
Reach Cain
Fragments of the Past
Legends of Eld
Braving the Rift
Bounties Abroad
Diamond in the Rough
Tools of the Trade
To the Dark Wood
Shard Bearer
Rift of the Elders
A Walk Through Westmarch
Trading at the Market
The Hilts Trader
Answers in the East
A Captain's Need
To the Docks
Docks of Westmarch
Dark Wood
Blackstone Village
Lucian's Hope
Bloodsworn Den
The Horadric Bestiary
Gathering the Reagents
Between Two Evils
Tree of Inifuss
Blood Resurrection
Delivering the Shards
Shassar Sea
Sea of Fire
A Trail in the Sand
Amber Blades
Lacuni's Roar
Loyalty's Price
Wisdom's Fragment
Fahir's Legacy
Final Fragment
Revealing the Path
Library of Zoltun Kulle
Library Beneath the Sand
Unseen Guardian
Restoring Order
Lost Runes
At Its Core
Source of Knowledge
The Eternal Guardian
Reforging the Soul
Recalling the Past
The Dark Exile
Heart of the Unknown
Welcome to the Jungle
Overgrown Temple
Blazing Raid
Among the Bodies
Heart of the Jungle
Parlay with Peril
The Final Summoning
To the Arena
Back to Westmarch
Mount Zavain
Into the Mountains
Khazra Aggression
Free the Captives
Devious Magic
Into the Khazra's Den
The Stranger's Identity
Track Dravec
Suspicious Cave
Strange Wooden Hut
Monastery in Crisis
Evil Stronghold
Dravec's Conspiracy
Save the Temple
Take Back the Worldstone Shard
Showdown at the Peak
Frozen Tundra
To the Frozen Tundra
Cold Pursuit
Through the Ruins
The Iceburn Tear
Those Who Come Before
Blessing of the Slain
The Realm of the Dead
Realm of Damnation
Into the Woods
Light Imprisoned
The Pestilent Corpse
Carved in Blood
The Citadel's Shadow
The Dessicated Legion
Within Flames
The Last Lieutenant
Lord of Damnation
Bearer of Ill Omens
Forgotten Nightmares
News from the Mount
Emergency Reinforcement
Scouring the Mists
Seeker of Truth
Parting Mists
Terror's Tide
Terror's Tide
Message in Blood
Voice in The Coffin
Find the Abducted
The Planks
What the Sea Owes
Breaking the Siege
Unexpected Reinforcement
Bound for Eternity
Stolen Lives
Terror Ascending
Age of Falling Towers
Trail of Terror
Destruction's Wake
Fare You Well
Forsaken Land
Thieves of the Shard
Fraying Bonds
Hidden Rot
An Elder's Hope
My Father's House
Hateful Blessings
Creation's Husk
Dark Rebirth
Tristram Cathedral
Splintered Souls
Lost Justice
The Broken Church
The Madness Below
Daughter of the Owl
Open Revolt
  • Open Revolt: The Leftovers
  • Open Revolt: Sabotage
  • Open Revolt: Vigilance
No Salvation
Precipice of Horror
Oblivion Awaits
Age of Unmaking
Abyssal Verges
Crucible of Justice
Crucible of Justice
Shattered Sanctuary
Shattered Sanctuary
Protectors of Sanctuary
  • An Oath Sanctified
  • Friends in the Shadows
  • Sight Unbound
  • The Dreadlands Remember
  • The Mountain's Might
The Long Voyage
The Crown of the World
The Fount of Madness
Survival's Price
Resounding Discord
A Fated Choice
Terror's Reign
Scars of Victory
Castle Cyrangar
Ruined Expedition
Join the Ranks
Exploring Cyrangar
The Ancestral Tableau
Secrets of Cyrangar
Purge the Depths
Cycle of Strife
The Cycle Begins
The Cycle Turns
Cycle's Spoils
Immortal Trials
Shadow Lottery
Gathering Shadows
Eyes in the Dark
Accursed Towers
Legacy of Strife
Exalted Night
Ruptured Tides
Bloodstained Moon
Opening the Helliquary
Demonic Remains
A Volatile Mix
Power of the Helliquary
Lassal the Flame-spun
Frozen in Fear
Gorgothra the Claimer
Twin Terrors
Izilech the Misshapen
Resist the Wrathborne
The Chainbreakers
Hearthrot Helliquary
Elite Quests
Curse of the Scepter
Stranger in the Sands
The Astral Bloom
Vowed in Blood
Tempered Instinct
Optional (Tutorial/Prelude) Quests
Abyssal Verges (Abyssal Verge/Erebban)
Legacy of the Horadrim (Legacy of the Horadrim)
The Fractured Plane (Fractured Plane)
Making a Masterwork (5-star Legendary Gem crafting)
The Greatest Pastime (Fishing)
Legacy of Strife (Accursed Towers)
Salvage Demonic Remains
Trial of the Hordes (Trial of the Hordes)
Familiars (Familiars)
Chronicling the Past (Adventurer's Chronicle)
Vanguard Raid (Vanguard)
New Wolf City Tavern
Dawn of Damnation
Go to Westmarch
Hostile Territory
The Demon's Lair