Synon was a knight of Zakarum.
Synon led a group of fellow knights on Bilefen, where they acted as the wardens of Alaw—a Witch who had been imprisoned in a tree long ago. In/around 1270, her seal weakened, and Synon and his fellow knights moved to burn the tree. They were interrupted by an adventurer, who stated that Alaw had seemed eager to help others. Synon accused them of being in her thrall, and ordered the adventurer to burn the tree, and purify their heart in doing so.[1]
- If the seal is broken
The adventurer chose to break Alaw's seal rather than burn her prison. Synon and his fellow knights turned on the adventurer, but were slain.[1]
- If the tree is burnt
The adventurer set the tree ablaze, but as Alaw's seal had already been weakened, this allowed her a measure of freedom. She took control of the tree and turned it on the knights and adventurer. The tree was destroyed, but Alaw was set free in the process, albeit weakened.[1]
Synon is an NPC in Diablo Immortal, taking part in the side quest "A Season of Charity." If the player decides to break Alaw's seal, Synon and his fellow knights become enemies, and have to be slain. If the player decides to burn the tree, Synon and the knights fight alongside the player.