Diablo Wiki
The name of this article is not the official name name used by Blizzard Entertainment, but an unofficial name coined by a user to best describe its contents.

Sweep is a monster skill in Diablo Immortal. It is basically a charged swipe, and is normally used by bosses. It is used by Immortal Champions, the Countess, Guardian of the Nightmare, Izilech, Catarag, Strazos and Sladyan. A warning cone/semicircle usually precedes this attack which fills as the attack is charged. The attack is unleashed immediately the warning area fills up.


Damaging Skills
FireEmbersEruptionFire ArrowFireballFire BoltFire HitFirestormFire WallFlame CircleGrenadeHydraIncinerateIncineration NovaInfernoMeteorMinefield
IceArctic BlastBlizzardCold TouchFire Hit (Cold)Freezing ChargeGlacial SpikeHoarfrost
PoisonPoison BoltPoison BreathPoison CloudPoison SpitPoison SprayPoison StingPoison Strike
LightningLightningLightning ArrowLightning GlobeLightning StormRed Lightning HoseShocking HitSpark DefenseThunderbolt
PhysicalBiteBlast WaveBlow DartCharge (Berserk Charge) • CleaveCorpse CannonDestructive StrikeDivebombGrabGround SpikesGround TentacleLeapJavelinLeech-life BallPummelQuakeQuill DartSlamSnatchSpine DartStrikeSwipeSweepWhirlwind
MagicBeamBlade BeamBlastBombBone SpiritHellish ProjectileNovaTideTornadoTorrentUnholy Bolt
Non-damaging Skills
Indirect Attack — Blood ManaCursesMana RiftMinion FrenzyPutrifySpin WebStunVortex
Spawning — Bone PrisonFestering AppendagesLay EggMinefieldMystifying GrowthReviveSummon MinionTotem
Self-effect — Bone ArmorBurrowEffigyFlyFrenzyHealShellTeleportVile Effigy
