Summon Spirit Wolf Class: Druid Required Level: 6 Skill Tree: Summoning Skills Requires: Raven Active Cost: 15 Mana Summons a spirit wolf to attack your enemies. Damage Type: Cold Synergies: Raven, Summon Dire Wolf, Summon Grizzly Other Stats: Summon; |
Spirit Wolf is a Druid skill in Diablo II.
- Gives synergy to:
- Raven: +12% Damage per Level
- Summon Dire Wolf: +25% Attack Rating per Level
- Summon Dire Wolf: +10% Defense per Level
- Summon Grizzly: +25% Attack Rating per Level
- Summon Grizzly: +10% Defense per Level
- Receives synergy from:
- Summon Dire Wolf: +15% Life per Level (see below for exact formula)
- Summon Grizzly: +10% Damage per Level
Note that this skill takes actual skill levels for other Summon skills including all skill mods from eq, cries etc. into account; this is different to how most synergies work, since usually just blvl i.e. the raw skill points placed, without any mods, are used.
Life is calculated as base_life * (100 + 10 * lev + 15 * synergy.lev)%, so the actual impact of synergy is additive with per-level bonus, not multiplicative.
Spirit Wolves are very helpful, and make for valuable minions until you qualify for Summon Dire Wolf. Spirit wolves can teleport, making twisting, winding passageways a non-issue. Even better is that they teleport "offensively", traversing gorges/rivers to attack the enemy on the other side.
At level 1, the Druid receives one wolf, with 143 health and 2-6 cold damage per bite; most consider it valuable to put 5 points in this skill immediately to maximize the number of minions. The Spirit Wolves will attract the attention of Monsters when they attack, keeping them away from their master – a feature valuable to the Druid that chooses not to rely on melee combat. You also don't have to worry about "wasting" points in Summon Spirit Wolf because their Passive Attack Rating and Defense Bonuses will apply to your Dire Wolves and Grizzly Bear (besided increasing the damage of Ravens) when you upgrade to those skills.
Unlike Spirits and Vines, all Beasts can be summoned at the same time in Diablo II Resurrected as of Patch 2.4 . This combined with the fact that Spirit Wolves deal cold damage (unlike other beasts, which deal physical damage) make them usable even in late game.
This gift of Nature allows the Druid to conjure forth one or more wolf allies who, with their mystical powers, provide the Druid a potent and ferocious colleague.
Skill Progression[]
Mana Cost: 15
Life: 71
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Number of Wolves | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Life | 143 | 156 | 169 | 182 | 195 | 208 | 221 | 234 | 247 | 260 | 273 |
Cold Damage | 2–6 | 3-8 | 4-9 | 5-10 | 6-11 | 8-12 | 9-13 | 10-14 | 13-18 | 17-21 | 20-25 |
Bonus Attack (passive) |
50% | 75% | 100% | 125% | 150% | 175% | 200% | 225% | 250% | 275% | 300% |
Bonus Defense (passive) |
50% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | 100% | 110% | 120% | 130% | 140% | 150% |
Level | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 25 |
Number of Wolves | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Life | 286 | 299 | 312 | 325 | 338 | 351 | 364 | 377 | 390 | 455 |
Cold Damage | 24-28 | 27-32 | 31-35 | 34-39 | 37-42 | 42-47 | 47-51 | 51-56 | 56-60 | 82-87 |
Bonus Attack (passive) |
325% | 350% | 375% | 400% | 425% | 450% | 475% | 500% | 525% | 650% |
Bonus Defense (passive) |
160% | 170% | 180% | 190% | 200% | 210% | 220% | 230% | 240% | 290% |
- Summoning of Spirit Wolves is a recurring Shaman spell in the Warcraft universe.
Elemental Skills — Firestorm • Molten Boulder • Arctic Blast • Fissure • Cyclone Armor • Twister • Volcano • Tornado • Hurricane • Armageddon
Shape Shifting Skills — Werewolf • Lycanthropy • Werebear • Maul • Feral Rage • Fire Claws • Rabies • Shock Wave • Hunger • Fury
Summoning Skills — Raven • Poison Creeper • Oak Sage • Summon Spirit Wolf • Carrion Vine • Heart of Wolverine • Summon Dire Wolf • Solar Creeper • Spirit of Barbs • Summon Grizzly