Strange Wooden Hut is the ninth Mount Zavain core quest in Diablo Immortal. It follows from Suspicious Cave, immediately after arriving at the Zakarum Chapel. It is succeeded by Monastery in Crisis.
- Kill the Cultist Flamebearer (0/1).
(A cultist is attempting to burn away the evidence of their misdeeds! Stop them!) - Extinguish the flames (0/2).
(The flames are spreading! Act quickly or there will be nothing left to reveal Dravec's plans.) - Read the Scorched Papers (0/2).
(Thankfully you were able to act in time and some of the writings were spared the flame. Look through the various texts and see what you can uncover.) - Talk to Oza.
(Dravec's grief and loss led him to commit unspeakable acts. Does he truly think Skarn will free him of his pain? Regardless, Oza must be made aware of Dravec's intent.) - Follow Oza to the Eastern Shrine.
(The profane ritual must be hidden in the mists to the east. Head there quickly and there may still be enough time to stop Dravec.)
- Just as Oza and the player arrive at the chapel

A cultist starts a fire in the chapel
- Cultist Flamebearer: The flame of Hell leaves not even ash.
- The Cultist causes the flames to spread, blocking the exits
- After defeating the Cultist Flamebearer
- Class: This "abandoned" chapel served as someone's study. Look at all this research... Was Dravec working in secret this long?
- Examines the Scorched Papers
- Scorched Paper#1:
Our Lord has made it clear; he will wait no longer. Three shards have already been destroyed.[1] No more shall be taken from him. Deliver the bodies to the ritual sites. If we require more, take them or lay down your lives. Damnation has come for the guilty who live upon this mountain, and they will suffer for their sins. - Scorched Paper#2
- Page 1:
Tayev... I miss you endlessly. Why would Zaim take you away and leave me behind!? How can I go on? The master tells me l will find peace in time... But I don't want peace. I want my brother. - Page 2:
Everything has gone wrong. Gods, I killed him...[2] and the Worldstone shard, the only thing that could bring you back, is out of my reach. If the master would have just let me have it —
Forgive me, Tayev...
- Page 1:
- Oza: I-I never knew he'd fallen so far. He became distant after his brother died in the tundra of Arreat. wish he'd told me. I could have helped him... I would have-
- Class:
- Standard: Don't do that to yourself, Oza. This is not your fault.
- Tempest: Do not punish yourself. Dravec's first instinct was to soothe his pain with unthinkable cruelty. I doubt you could have changed his path.
- Oza: You're right. And yet, some part of me will always bear this guilt. I could have stopped him. I could have reached out to him in his pain. Perhaps then, none of this would have happened.
- Class: Now is not the time to lose yourself in reflection. We must find Dravec and stop him. Do you know of this shrine he mentions in the letter?
- 'Oza: Yes, it's to the east. Not far from the old monastery grounds. We should hurry.
- Head over to the Eastern Shrine