Diablo Wiki

The Stamina Bar (highlighted)

Stamina is a gameplay mechanic and minor resource in Diablo II and Diablo Immortal that represents the player character's energy and fatigue for the purpose of movement. It limits movement options once it is drained, but recharges when stopped or moving slowly.

Diablo II[]

In Diablo II, a character's ability to run is measured by Stamina level, displayed as a yellow bar within the main action bar. The maximum amount of Stamina a character has depends on their Vitality as well as some item affixes.

Running depletes stamina over time at a constant rate. When standing in one spot, including while using skills or attacking, Stamina recovers relatively quickly. Walking does not deplete Stamina, but rather refills it at a slow rate. Some monsters, mostly insects (such as Swarms), can drain Stamina on each attack, making escape more complicated. When in town, running does not expend Stamina.

When the bar is nearly depleted, the color changes from yellow to red. When Stamina is completely emptied and the player continues to move, even walking, the stamina bar does not refill. For it to begin, the player must stop moving for a moment, then may begin walking while regaining stamina slowly if they wish. Toggling to "walk" before the bar is empty is often the preferred approach.

Stamina Potions refill the bar entirely and give unlimited stamina for a short period of time. Stamina shrines give the player unlimited Stamina for a long period of time. During periods of unlimited Stamina, the bar is colored blue. Drinking from a Well also recovers a large amount of Stamina.

The rate of depletion of Stamina depends upon the type of Body Armor the player wears. Heavy Armor, such as Full Plate Mail, causes 10% more Stamina loss than Light Armor, such as Studded Leather; medium armor causes 5% more stamina loss, and light armor does not increase stamina loss at all. Stamina is drained per second, not per distance, therefore having increased movement speed decreases the cost of Stamina per yard covered. Moving with skills (such as Leap or Teleport) does not drain Stamina.

The Paladin can temporarily increase his Stamina, as well as the Stamina of his party members, by the use of the Vigor Aura. Similarly, the Barbarian has the Increased Stamina skill for permanent Stamina increase.

Stamina plays a lesser role in the game as characters level, thanks to the fact that both character level and the Vitality stat increases it, as well as the availability of gear that decrease stamina depletion rate or increase its regeneration speed. At higher levels, stamina almost never runs out.

Diablo Immortal[]

In Diablo Immortal, stamina only applies during a Shadow War and only to one character. Whoever becomes The Immortal gains a Stamina bar. As they move throughout the battlefield, the bar drains, and when fully depleted, the Immortal incurs a movement speed penalty. The stamina bar recharges only when the Immortal stands completely still.[1]


  1. 2022-12-14, CRASH INTO HELL’S MINIONS IN TERROR’S TIDE. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2022-12-23
Character Attributes
Diablo I Diablo II Diablo III Diablo Immortal

DexterityAttack RatingArmor ClassBlock

DexterityAttack RatingDefenseBlock
EnergyManaMana Regeneration


StrengthDamageCombat Rating
IntelligenceDamageCombat Rating
Fortitude ArmorArmor PenetrationCombat Rating
VitalityLifeCombat Rating
WillpowerPotencyResistanceCombat Rating
Cycle of StrifeDamage IncreasedCooldown ReducedDefense Increased
OthersCritical Hit (Chance & Damage) • Accuracy RatingEvasion RatingCheat DeathLife DrainLife RegenerationMagic FindResonance
