Diablo Wiki
Diablo Wiki
"Listen carefully...I haven't much time. One of our men, Lord Avitus, was felled in the ancient city beneath the mountain. We carried his body to the ossuary, but...He arose, thirsting for blood. Only I escaped. Please...you must slay him."

- Cromwell's dying wish(src)

Sir Cromwell was a member of the Knights Penitent.

Cromwell and his fellow knights were stationed at Kasama when their leader, Lord Avitus, was slain. Cromwell and his fellow knights carried Avitus's body to the Hallowed Ossuary, but he arose as a vampire, killing all of them except Cromwell, albeit severely wounding him. Cromwell fled, and was found by the Wanderer, bleeding on the snow. Cromwell told the Wanderer what had happened and asked them to kill Avitus.[1]


Cromwell is an NPC in Diablo IV. He can be found northeast of the eastern entrance of Kyovashad. Talking to him initiates "The Dread Martyr" side quest.

Cromwell's fate is never made explicit, though his opening lines imply that he is fated to die regardless.

