Shroud of the Horadrim is an Act I campaign quest in Diablo IV. It leads directly from Wayward, and into Fleding Scholar. It is the second part of the "Secrets of the Horadrim" chapter.
- Enter the Darkened Holt (Neyrelle continued her search for the Horadric Vault in the Darkened Holt, a place known to swallow locals in its swirling, cold air and dense foliage. I must find her before it's too late.)
- Search for Neyrelle
- Enter the Fiery Portal
- Speak with the Bloodied Wolf
- Follow the Bloodied Wolf
- Speak with the Bloodied Wolf (While searching for Neyrelle in the dreaded Darkened Holt, I came across a giant wolf as familiar as it is terrifying. It speaks to me. Shows me visions I am not sure I comprehend. But I am compelled to follow them and listen.
- Open the Living Gate
- Continue with the Bloodied Wolf
- Speak with the Bloodied Wolf
- Use the Fiery Portal to return to the Darkened Holt (The great and horrible wolf concludes its lectures and visions. While I find them worthy of deep contemplation, I must resume my search for Neyrelle in the Darkened Holt before it's too late.)
- Search for Neyrelle in the Darkened Holt
- Speak with Neyrelle
- Find the way to the Horadric Vault (Neyrelle was found none the worse for wear. I gather she is more resilient than people credit her for. It is time for us to leave this seemingly endless Horadric illusion. What that means for our search for the Horadric Vault, I am unsure.)
- Slay all Phantoms
- Examine the Three-Faced Statue
- Class: There is something strange going on here. Neyrelle must be nearby.
- Bloodied Wolf: You're stuck in an illusion created by the Horadrim. The portal will lead you through this crude trap.
- Bloodied Wolf: Relax. No harm will come to you here.
- Class: Who are you?
- Bloodied Wolf: An admirer, of sorts. I saved you in the mountains. You'd lost your horse, and crawled into that cave--would've frozen to death if not for me.
- Class: Why are you helping me?
- Bloodied Wolf: Oh, it's very simple. You want to stop Lilith, and I want you to succeed. But you'll never do that by following the Horadrim.
- Bloodied Wolf: Their path always ends in fire and death.
- Bloodied Wolf: Seen enough? Open the door.
- Class: Why are you telling me all this?
- Bloodied Wolf: To warn you. A day will come when the Horadrim stumble. Don't be there when they do.
- Bloodied Wolf: The portal will lead you to that little girl you're looking for.
- Class: Back in the Horadrim's illusion.
- Class: Neyrelle!
- Neyrelle: There you are!
- Neyrelle: I think I've lost my way. The same thing happened to my mother and me earlier on.
- Neyrelle: The trail to the vault ends here, so it should be somewhere around in these woods.
- Neyrelle: Is someone toying with us? This place is a maze. And now this. What's that supposed to be?
Optional Dialogue[]
- Class: What is this place?
- Bloodied Wolf: Tristram. The Horadrim of old imprisoned Diablo, the Lord of Terror, beneath the earth, and they built this town nearby (chuckle).
- Bloodied Wolf: You can see how that turned out.
- Class: Why do you want to stop Lilith?
- Bloodied Wolf: I like the world the way it was--without Lilith. Her little game of rebellion will only lead to chaos. You've already seen visions of the damage she can do.
- Bloodied Wolf: Yes. I know you were fed her blood. Do you feel it changing you? Perhaps not yet, but as long as Lilith walks in your world, it is only a matter of time.