Shout Class: Barbarian (Diablo II) Required Level: 6 Skill Tree: Warcries Requires: Howl Active Cost: 6 Mana Increases the defense of allies. Damage Type: Physical Synergies: Battle Orders, Battle Command |
Shout is a Barbarian Skill in Diablo II.
Barbarian warriors are born to command in battle. When a warrior learns this skill he can raise his voice above the din of combat to shout warnings of impending blows to his comrades in arms. This will alert them in time to allow them to guard against the incoming attack.
General Information[]
- Gives synergy to:
- Battle Orders: +5 Seconds Per Level
- Battle Command: +5 Seconds Per Level
- Receives synergy from:
- Battle Orders: +5 Seconds Per Level
- Battle Command: +5 Seconds Per Level
Shout greatly increases the Barbarian and his nearby allies' defense rating for a period of time. This is useful if grouping with classes with low armor, such as Necromancers or Sorceresses, to increase their survivability. It is also very useful for characters with high armor (such as Paladins) to improve their tanking ability.
Placing points into Shout, especially when its synergies are taken care of properly, can often reduce the need to place more than one point into Iron Skin, due to a greater bonus to the hero's Defense than Iron Skin itself provides, and the fact that it benefits all friendly beings within the radius. The only downside is that it needs to be refreshed periodically.
Skill Progression[]
Radius: 12.6 yards
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Defense Bonus | 100% | 110% | 120% | 130% | 140% | 150% | 160% | 170% | 180% | 190% | 200% |
Duration | 30s | 40s | 50s | 60s | 70s | 80s | 90s | 100s | 110s | 120s | 130s |
Level | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 25 |
Defense Bonus | 210% | 220% | 230% | 240% | 250% | 260% | 270% | 280% | 290% | 340% |
Duration | 140s | 150s | 160s | 170s | 180s | 190s | 200s | 210s | 220s | 270s |
Warcries — Howl • Find Potion • Taunt • Shout • Find Item • Battle Cry • Battle Orders • Grim Ward • War Cry • Battle Command
Combat Skills — Bash • Leap • Double Swing • Stun • Double Throw • Leap Attack • Concentrate • Frenzy • Whirlwind • Berserk
Combat Masteries — Blade Mastery • Axe Mastery • Mace Mastery • Polearm Mastery • Throwing Mastery • Spear Mastery • Increased Stamina • Iron Skin • Increased Speed • Natural Resistance