Shock Wave Class: Druid Required Level: 24 Skill Tree: Shape Shifting Skills Requires: Werebear, Maul Active Cost: 7 Mana Let loose a roar that stuns surrounding enemies Damage Type: Physical Synergies: Maul Other Stats: Can only be used in Werebear form |
Shock Wave is a Druid skill in Diablo II.
- Gives synergy to: None
- Receives synergy from:
- Maul: +10% Damage per level
Useful for Druids that might find themselves surrounded by enemies.
Area of effect is somewhat controllable by the player; clicking close to the druid spreads the area of effect over a wide radius, while clicking farther from the druid narrows the area of effect to the region between the player and the clicking point.
With a tremendous roar, the Druid shakes the earth, stunning any enemies in the surrounding area with the resultant tremor.
Skill Progression[]
Mana Cost: 7
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Damage | 10–20 | 13–23 | 16–26 | 19–29 | 22–32 | 25–35 | 28–38 | 31–41 | 36–46 | 41–51 | 46–56 |
Stun Length | 1.6s | 2.2s | 2.8s | 3.4s | 4s | 4.6s | 5.2s | 5.8s | 6.4s | 7s | 7.6s |
Level | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 25 |
Damage | 51–61 | 56–66 | 61–71 | 66–76 | 71–81 | 78–88 | 85–95 | 92–102 | 99–109 | 134–144 |
Stun Length | 8.2s | 8.8s | 9.4s | 10s | 10.6s | 11.2s | 11.8s | 12.4s | 13s | 16s |
Elemental Skills — Firestorm • Molten Boulder • Arctic Blast • Fissure • Cyclone Armor • Twister • Volcano • Tornado • Hurricane • Armageddon
Shape Shifting Skills — Werewolf • Lycanthropy • Werebear • Maul • Feral Rage • Fire Claws • Rabies • Shock Wave • Hunger • Fury
Summoning Skills — Raven • Poison Creeper • Oak Sage • Summon Spirit Wolf • Carrion Vine • Heart of Wolverine • Summon Dire Wolf • Solar Creeper • Spirit of Barbs • Summon Grizzly