For the similar skill in Diablo III, see Shield Bash.
Shield Charge Class: Crusader (Diablo Immortal) Required Level: 41 Skill Category: Dash, Control ' Cooldown: 12 seconds Charge forward with your shield, pushing all enemies in your path and inflicting damage. Enemies colliding with terrain will be Stunned for 3 seconds. Damage Type: Physical |
Shield Charge is a Crusader skill in Diablo Immortal.[1]
- Calculated Strike: Shield Charge now rushes to a targeted enemy dealing damage to all nearby enemies, Stunning the target for 3 seconds and knocking back all other nearby enemies. Maximum O charges. It is unlocked by equipping the Legendary pants Trompdown.
- Empowered Bash: Shield Charge damage increased, and Shield Charge can be charged up to further increase damage. Shield Charge Damage Increased by 18.0%. It is unlocked by equipping the Legendary pants Pillager's Grieves.
- Shield Defense: Shield Charge now charges to a location where it forms a shielded circle that enemies and their projectiles cannot cross. It is unlocked by equipping the Legendary pants Shieldswathe.
- Shield of Convergence: Shield Charge now causes you to leap to a target location and slam your shield into the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemies and gathering them at the site of the impact. Maximum 2 charges. It is unlocked by equipping the Legendary pants Cloister of Misery.
- Shield Slam: Shield Charge now slams the shield into the ground, dealing damage to surrounding enemies and clustering them into the center. Shield Charge now has 2 maximum charges. It is unlocked by equipping the Legendary pants Censured Trespass.
- Shield Stance: Shield Charge now raises a holy barricade before you instead of causing you to charge forward. This barricade moves with you, makes you immune to knockback effects, blocks enemy projectiles, and decreases all damage taken from the front by 50%. Activating Shield Charge again will trigger a shield explosion, knocking back and dealing damage to all enemies in front of you. Shield Charge cooldown is now 9 seconds. It is unlocked by equipping the Legendary pants Impassible Sanctum.
- The player cannot attack, use skills or face another direction while this skill is active.
- Helm of Abrasion: Shield Charge deals 550% damage to shielded enemies.
- Hungerfire Chiton: Shield Charge also unleashes a shock wave at its destination, dealing damage to all nearby enemies. Damage increased by 90.0%.
- Zerratus Husk: Shield Charge now grants you a holy shield while charging that reflects projectiles back at enemies, dealing damage.
- ↑ DIABLO IMMORTAL CLOSED ALPHA PRESS KIT, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2021-06-13
Crusader Skills
Primary Attack
Punish• Sacred Fire
Ultimate Ability
Counterattack Storm • Burning Heart
Condemn • Conjuration of Light • Consecration • Draw and Quarter • Falling Sword • Fist of the Heavens • Holy Banner • Judgment • Sacred Chain • Shield Charge • Shield Glare • Spinning Shield • Sweep Attack