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Untamed Wisdom

Adventurers within the Sharval Wilds

"Mere survival among the wilds of Sharval demands compromises of soul and body both."


The Sharval Wilds are located in Entsteig.[1]


The Wilds are apparently inimical to human life, and it is said that mere survival in Sharval demands compromises of both body and soul.[2] The people of Entsteig believe the Wilds to be an enchanted place of fey spirits. Many of Entsteig's old customs and pagan rituals dating from before the kingdom's conversion to Zakarum are still practiced by Entsteig's inhabitants in the Wilds[1]

After the Great Enmity, the Zakarum faith still holds sway in the region, though it has come to a kind of a truce with the old gods and myths of the Wilds' folk traditions. The forested lands and the wolves of the region reminded Lorath Nahr of Scosglen in some ways, though in other ways he found it to be a far stranger place.[3]

Sharval Wilds is home to the Witch Circles.


This section contains facts and trivia relevant to this article.

