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Shard of Entsteig Plate was a Legendary Crafting Material in Diablo III. It requires a Character Level of 1 to use, is account bound, and may be stacked up to 1000 times. It was required for the crafting of each piece of the Aughild's Authority set. As of patch 2.0.6., it no longer drops, and existing Shards may be sold for 50,000 gold.

The item had a chance to drop off the unique Wraiths

The easiest places to obtain it were the Festering Woods and The Matriarch's Bones event, as well as bounties involving the listed monsters.

It is rumored that the grave of Aughild was pillaged by the ghosts of those he slew, and that those ghosts carry shards of his armor with them to this very day.

Diablo III Crafting Materials

Regular Salvaged and Dropped Materials


