Severing the Bond is a Fractured Peaks side quest in Diablo IV. It follows on directly from Shroud of the Father.
- Enter the Elysiuma Archives
- Accomapny Priest Voszalko
- Pour your blood into the Chalice
- Speak with Priest Voszalko
- Class: I'm here.
- Volszalko: Knights wait for me ahead--called here for my protection. When the Angel marched on Hell, these few remained to keep the faith as I did. Valiant souls, all!
- Volszalko: I will now don the Child's Caul, as our Mother Prava did before she was born anew.
- Volszalko: Blessed by the Angel Inarius, no evil will harm me. My works are His works, my wishes. His wishes.
- Volszalko: You who are riddled with sin, shed your blood into the sacred cup.
- Volszalko: Good! Now approach!
- Class: I'm ready.
- Volszalko: Stand within the circle of chalk--and make no attempt to leave, or your damnation be certain.
- Volszalko: Inarius, whose wings brought Light to this world, act through me now! Purge the filth within this blood! Cast our Her corruption! Burn her from--
- Volszalko: Wh-what is this?
- Volszalko: No. No, this is wrong. Light! No! Nono! Stop! Stop!
- Class: What happened? Are you hurt?
- Volszalko: Th-the exorcism...I...I did everything right. As I have done so many times before! But y-you...
- Volszalko: Begone. Begone! The angel Inarius...H-he casts you out! Casts you out...
- Volszalko: Leave. Leave, please! Please!