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Severing the Bond is a Fractured Peaks side quest in Diablo IV. It follows on directly from Shroud of the Father.


  1. Enter the Elysiuma Archives
  2. Accomapny Priest Voszalko
  3. Pour your blood into the Chalice
  4. Speak with Priest Voszalko


  • Class: I'm here.
  • Volszalko: Knights wait for me ahead--called here for my protection. When the Angel marched on Hell, these few remained to keep the faith as I did. Valiant souls, all!
  • Volszalko: Blessed by the Angel Inarius, no evil will harm me. My works are His works, my wishes. His wishes.
  • Volszalko: You who are riddled with sin, shed your blood into the sacred cup.
  • Volszalko: Good! Now approach!
  • Class: I'm ready.
  • Volszalko: Stand within the circle of chalk--and make no attempt to leave, or your damnation be certain.
  • Volszalko: Inarius, whose wings brought Light to this world, act through me now! Purge the filth within this blood! Cast our Her corruption! Burn her from--
  • Volszalko: Wh-what is this?
  • Volszalko: No. No, this is wrong. Light! No! Nono! Stop! Stop!
  • Class: What happened? Are you hurt?
  • Volszalko: Th-the exorcism...I...I did everything right. As I have done so many times before! But y-you...
  • Volszalko: Begone. Begone! The angel Inarius...H-he casts you out! Casts you out...
  • Volszalko: Leave. Leave, please! Please!