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Seeker of Truth is the fourth quest in the Forgotten Nightmares questline in Diablo Immortal. It is considered part of a main questline, per its categorization in the quest interface. It leads on directly from Scouring the Mists, and directly into Parting Mists. It begins immediately after talking to Shura after you meet him at the Misty Valley.


  • Follow Shura.
    (According to Shura, the Patriarch Sladyan laid down his life to stop the Black Mists once before. Follow the monk to the temple and learn Sladyan's secrets)
  • Talk to Shura.
    (Shura is convinced the secret mantra of Sladyan can be uncovered at a statue resurrected in his honor. Aid Shura in recovering the mantra. If such a thing is possible, that is)
  • Learn of the Black Mists' origins
    • Explore the vision of Zavain's past.
    • Help the monks defend against the Zakarum invaders.
    • Head further into the vison
    • Talk to the injured Monk
    • Activate the Spirit Orb
    • Kill the Zakarum soldiers
    • Talk to the survivor
    • Rescue the Patriarch
    • Defeat Lord Martanos
    • Help Patriarch Sladyan
    • Talk to Patriarch Sladyan
    • Head forward to the monastery entrance
    • Find the the source of the Black Mist
    • Kill the nightmares
    • Free the bound Monk
    • Talk to the Monk
    • Inspect the monastery gate
  • Talk to Shura.
    Follow Shura.
    (The vision of the past has faded, but many secrets still remain. Whatever Patriarch Sladyan did, it didn't seem to seal away the Mists)(1)
  • Enter the Silent Monastery
    (Thanks to Sladyan's Mantra, the mists blocking the entrance to the Silent Monastery have parted. Save Shura's comrades from the darkness within)
    • Explore the Silent Monastery
    • Defeat the Guardian (0/1)
    • Talk to the injured Monk (0/1)
    • Unleash Ytar's flames to purge the Black Mist (0/1)
    • Search for the Black Mist's source
    • Kill the Nightmares
    • Destroy the Writhing Pillar
    • Head further into the monastery grounds
    • Unseal the gate
    • Slide down the rope (0/1)
    • Find and destroy the Writhing Pillar
    • Kill nightmares and destroy the Pillar
    • Kill the Guardian of the Nightmare
    • Kill Acolytes to end the ritual (0/3)
    • Head into the Temple depths
    • Defeat the Ancient Nightmare
    • Unleash Ytar's flames to break Sladyan's shield
    • Defeat the Ancient Nightmare
    • Return to Mount Zavain


Follow Shura and journey to the Sanctified Earth Monastery
As the duo ascend the stairs to the monastery
  • Shura: Ever since the shard was stolen by that traitor, Dravec,[1] the mists have continued to spread.
  • Shura: Only Sladyan stopped the mists before. With his death, Ivgorod was saved.
As the duo approach the entrance
  • Shura: The statue just ahead was erected in his honor. The secret is hidden there. I know it!
Upon reaching Sladyan's statue in the central courtyard
  • Shura: This is it!
Seeker Truth

At Sladyan's statue

  • Shura: Zaim's power is at its strongest here near the summit. The mountain's memory is long and it will reveal to us truths lost to history.
  • Class:
    • Standard: Those are hauntingly familiar words, my friend. Oza spoke them once before...
    • Monk: Those are hauntingly familiar words, my friend. Oza spoke them only hours before she returned to Zaim's embrace.[2]
  • Shura:
    • Standard: Yes? Well, I am certain she never tried something like this. Eons past, the gods created the land. Man was formed from earth, then fire, wind and water.
    • Monk: Oza was a disciple of Zaim, just like I, and a dear friend. Separately, our journeys brought us to this temple, but unlike Oza, I was born upon this land.
  • Shura: Zaim! Show your children that which they have forgotten.
  • Class:
    • Standard: Do what you're going to. But if it doesn't work, we're returning to Sentinel's Watch. Understood?
    • Monk: Concentrate upon the mantra. My fists will ensure no foe approaches.
  • Shura:
    • Standard: If we fail, we will need far more aid than Sentinel's Watch can provide.
    • Monk: Thank you for believing in me, Elder.
  • Shura: When the vision takes hold, I will see what you see, hear what you hear. Together, we must uncover the power that will destroy the mists once and for all.
Sladyan's Vision

Sladyan's statue reveals a vision of the past

Shura's Vision[]

Sounds of battle can be heard in a distance
Seeker Truth1

A battle between the Zakarum and the Veradani

  • Veradani Monk: Repel the invaders! For Ivgorod!
  • Shura: (disembodied) Look there: Rakkis' soldiers! Help my people fight back!
After defeating the Zakarum
  • Shura: (disembodied) I cannot tell if you are reliving someone's actions or the vision is permitting yours. You must keep going.
As the player goes deeper into the monastery
  • Veradani Monk #1: Be careful...
  • Veradani Monk #2: Th... they... will not be stopped...
Upon reaching the terrace
Mobilizing the Zakarum

Lord Martanos mobilizing Zakarum soldiers

  • Lord Martanos: Ignorant savages. Zakarum's Light has come to save you from yourselves. If you would only let go of your pride.
    Bring your Patriarch before me and we will end this. Submit to Rakkis'rule or we will paint this mountain red and he will rule the bloody muck.
Martanos leaves with his soldiers
  • Veradani Monk #3: We will never... give in... Never! He knows th... aghn...
Speak with a survivor
  • Veradani Monk: We must have faith. The gods will not abandon us in our hour of need...Patriarch Sladyan will know what to do. Gather the wounded...we have to leave this place.
  • Shura: (disembodied) Do you see now the atrocities Vereks and his ilk remain ignorant to? This is but one foul moment amongst thousands.
Activate a nearby spirit orb to be transported to another part of the vision
  • Zakarum soldier: You heard Lord Martanos. Offer no mercy to the wicked.
Crusade Genocide

The soldiers kill the monks

  • Shura: (disembodied) Gods... I'm going to be sick... Please, I don't want to see any more of this
After killing the Zakarum zealots
  • Veradani Monk #3: (from a distance) Over here...
Seeker Truth2

Talk to the Monk

  • Veradani Monk #3: Martanos' madness corrupts his men. They have become uncaring monsters...cloaked in the lie of their faith. To think they call us heretics...You have to reach the Patriarch. Help him escape however you can. Please... he's all we have left.
  • Shura: (disembodied) This isn't like we were told. Sladyan is supposed to save Zavain, to stop Rakkis' advance. Go to him, quickly!
Quickly travel to Sladyan's location
Sladyan vs Martanos

Sladyan battling a tainted Martanos

  • Patriarch Sladyan: Flee, brothers. I will hold him here!
    Look at yourself, Martanos.. Your zeal has opened your heart to chaos.
Martanos overpowers Sladyan
  • Lord Martanos: I am the hand of Zakarum, and I will tear the heresy from you!
Seeker Truth3

After defeating Martanos

  • Patriarch Sladyan: That man has given in to a demon within his soul...
    We cannot win against such forbidden strength. Not as we are.
    Go! Move with Vaiyu's wind.
Isolating Martanos

Sladyan breaks the bridge with an Exploding Palm

  • Patriarch Sladyan: A broken bridge will only delay his rage. Martanos has become a demon...his soul burns with a profane fury.
    His armies will not cease until Ivgorod lies in ash. The Zakarum's crusade must end here, even if it costs our lives. We make for the temple. It is our last bastion of hope.
  • Shura: (disembodied) Did you see that? The Zakarum zealot gave in to demonic power. I knew they were the source of this madness.
Sladyan teleports away. The scene changes
  • Shura: (disembodied) Gods. I've never seen the Silent Monastery like this before. My entire life it's been lost to the mists.
The player comes across another battle between monks and Zakarum zealots
  • Veradani Monk: We make our stand here! We shall be Patriarch Sladyan's shield.
Corrupting Mist

The battlefield is covered by Black Mists

  • Veradani Monk: This mist... This power is forbidden... AGHHHH!
  • Zakarum soldier: Soldiers, pull back! Run!
  • Shura: (disembodied) The mists turned them into abominations...All of them.
After killing the abominations
  • Shura: (disembodied) Keep pushing through the vision. We are close to the moment of truth! I know it!

At the temple gates
Resilient Mist

The monks try, and fail to contain the Black Mists

  • Shura: (disembodied) They could not seal the darkness. Their blind hatred doomed us all.
After killing nightmares and the monks the succumbed to corruption
  • Shura: One of the monks nearby survived! Speak to him quickly!
Seeker Truth4

Talk to the injured monk

  • Veradani Monk: We could not stop him... Gods, forgive us!
  • Class: Stop who? Martanos? What happened?
  • Veradani Monk: Haven't...seen Martanos...not yet. The Patriarch was meditating in the monastery as the black mist erupted. We tried to reach him, but there is no way forward...We failed him. There aren't enough of us left to seal it away. The darkness is too strong. He will...kill...us all.
The monk passes away
  • Shura: (disembodied) Hmph, we know that we survive this. Useless vision... Quickly, what is beyond the door?
The gates open, and mists conceal whatever lie within
  • Patriarch Sladyan: I bear the burden... May the gods... forgive me...

Exit Sladyan's Vision[]

Seeker Truth5

Discuss the vision with Shura

  • Shura: Damn the Zakarum. They invaded our land, calling it their "divine right". They use their faith to legitimize the horrors they unleash. Even a vulture has more respect. We will never see eye to eye.
  • Class
    • Standard: Shura, I heard Sladyan through that doorway. He was begging for forgiveness.
    • Monk: Shura, you asked your god for a vision. See what he wishes to show you and do not be blinded by hatred. It was Sladyan's voice I heard coming through the doorway; begging for forgiveness.
    • Crusader: Shura, I understand your frustration, I do. More deeply than you will ever realize. But something is not right. I heard Sladyan through the doorway. He was begging for forgiveness.
  • Shura
    • Standard: In Ivgorod, there are three patriarchs and matriarchs of order and three of chaos. One serves as the bridge between them. In his time, that was Sladyan's role.
    • Monk: Of course he was. Sladyan was the Patriarch of balance. You know as well as I do that he strove for balance in all things, that was his calling!
  • Shura: Even in his last moments, the man sought peace. We must honor him. Put down the darkness he sought to contain. The mantra the vision has granted me is the key to our salvation. Help me one last time.
Start following Shura. You are attacked by Risen Monks at the temple borders
  • Shura: Look at this temple. First the Zakarum, then the Burning Hells.
As you pass through the Zakarum Cemetery, you see some undead Zakarum

Misty Valley[]

  • Shura: We are nearly there.
At the Silent Monastery entrance
  • Shura: I will hold the way open. Go, quickly! My brothers should still be inside!

Shura opens the path to the Silent Monastery

Enter the Silent Monastery[]

  • Esil: (from the roadside) Help... please.
Seeker Truth6

Talk to the injured monk

  • Esil: Someone from the outside? Please, you have to help us. The black mists are at their strongest here... the nightmares... unceasing.
    Kavash and the others are somewhere ahead. Please... save them... and do not... give in... to the darkness..
Head deeper into the monastery.
Guardian Priest

The Guardian of the Nightmare has killed the monks, and sacrificed the last two as the player arrives

After defeating the Guardian
  • Kavash
    • Monk: (Cough cough) Over here.
Speak with Kavash
  • Kavash
    • Monk: Esil found help. Th-thank the gods. Then there's still a chance.
      These statues once burned with Ytar's flame. They... can... again. The darkness tries to suppress our spirits. Free our brethren from the nightmares and the light will burn.
  • Class
    • Standard/Crusader: Are you Kavash? Please, be alive...
Kavash Torch

Kavash lights Ytar's flame

  • Kavash: Do not let darkness consume our souls. Touch the light and burn... away... our sins.
Kavash dies
Kill the nightmares guarding the pillar and destroy it
Destroyed Pillar

Destroying a Writhing Pillar

  • Guardian of the Nightmare: (disembodied) The Zakarum will pay for every drop of blood they have spilled.
Deeper into the monastery, a Fallen Acolyte of Order destroys a bridge with a shockwave
Acolyte Bridge

An Acolyte of Order destroys a bridge

  • Fallen Acolyte of Order: Intruder!
After killing the Monks
  • Fallen Acolyte of Order: The seal... must protect... Master Slad...yan...
  • Class:
    • Standard: That seal I passed must be broken. But what did that creature mean by protecting Sladyan?
    • Monk: That seal I passed must be broken. But that poor monk's words... it was protecting Sladyan?
Unseal the gate, while avoiding or killing the monks-turned-nightmares on the way
Sealed Barrier

Unseal the gate

Head deeper into the temple, lighting any Ytar's flame you come across
At another Writhing Pillar
  • Guardian of the Nightmare: Only sacrifice shall save us.

The Guardian fuses the remains of sacrificed monks with nightmares to form abominations

After killing the abominations, head deeper into the temple. The Guardian stands vigil in front of a door
Nightmare Guardian
  • Guardian of the Nightmare: The master demands that you proceed no further. I answer the Nightmare's call.
At its death
  • Guardian of the Nightmare: This is not the way...
Open the door and proceed further
  • Risen Monk: Intruder!
  • Class: What is this profanity? Some form of ritual?
Kill the Acolytes of Order maintaining the ritual in order to destroy it
After that, head to the Ancient Nightmare's lair
Ancient Nightmare DIn-game

Ancient Nightmare vs the Shard-seeker

  • Ancient Nightmare
    • Standard: You behold the forbidden. For that, you shall die.
    • Monk: Forgive me, child, but you will not stop the salvation of Ivgorod.
    • Crusader: Warrior of Zakarum, I shall break you.
After the Nightmare is injured (at half of its overall health)
  • Ancient Nightmare: Join me in the darkness!
Swallowed by Mist

The Ancient Nightmare releases Black Mists that swallow the player

In the Ancient Nightmares mindscape,
Fallen Sladyan

Sladyan's soul is corrupted into a demon

  • Sladyan, Soul of the Nightmare: Who are you to befoul this sacred place? I have given all to save my people. Would you not have done the same?
  • Class: The grandmaster draws strength from the darkness. Only Ytar's flame can burn it away.
Light the statues holding Ytar's flame
  • Sladyan, Soul of the Nightmare
    • Monk: Open your eyes. Ytar and the gods of order would see us chained.
    • Crusader: The gods give aid to the Zakarum? A farce. (after the first flame is lit)
  • Sladyan Soul of the Nightmare: I shattered my soul to reject hatred! My people will live! (after the second flame is lit)
At Sladyan's death
  • Sladyan, Soul of the Nightmare: Even the most forbidden technique... has failed us...
The player is transported back to the Nightmare's lair
  • Ancient Nightmare: The mists will spread and blot out the Light of Zakarum..
At its death
  • Ancient Nightmare: As long as hatred survives, so too shall I.
(End of Silent Monastery dungeon)
Exit the Monastery




Quest Rewards[]

The following items are rewarded to the player for completing specific objectives, denoted by the corresponding number in curved brackets written in superscript
  1. Spirit of Balance (shoulders)


  • Throughout the Forgotten Nightmares, Crusader and Monk classes have slightly different transcripts from other classes.


Cold Isles
The Relentless Tide (Tempest-only)
Ashwold Cemetery
The Risen Dead
The Exiled Apprentice
Consulting the Guards
The Handmaiden
The Tomb of the Queen
Into Ashwold Manor
Masters of Death
Battle for the Shard
City of the Light
Reach Cain
Fragments of the Past
Legends of Eld
Braving the Rift
Bounties Abroad
Diamond in the Rough
Tools of the Trade
To the Dark Wood
Shard Bearer
Rift of the Elders
A Walk Through Westmarch
Trading at the Market
The Hilts Trader
Answers in the East
A Captain's Need
To the Docks
Docks of Westmarch
Dark Wood
Blackstone Village
Lucian's Hope
Bloodsworn Den
The Horadric Bestiary
Gathering the Reagents
Between Two Evils
Tree of Inifuss
Blood Resurrection
Delivering the Shards
Shassar Sea
Sea of Fire
A Trail in the Sand
Amber Blades
Lacuni's Roar
Loyalty's Price
Wisdom's Fragment
Fahir's Legacy
Final Fragment
Revealing the Path
Library of Zoltun Kulle
Library Beneath the Sand
Unseen Guardian
Restoring Order
Lost Runes
At Its Core
Source of Knowledge
The Eternal Guardian
Reforging the Soul
Recalling the Past
The Dark Exile
Heart of the Unknown
Welcome to the Jungle
Overgrown Temple
Blazing Raid
Among the Bodies
Heart of the Jungle
Parlay with Peril
The Final Summoning
To the Arena
Back to Westmarch
Mount Zavain
Into the Mountains
Khazra Aggression
Free the Captives
Devious Magic
Into the Khazra's Den
The Stranger's Identity
Track Dravec
Suspicious Cave
Strange Wooden Hut
Monastery in Crisis
Evil Stronghold
Dravec's Conspiracy
Save the Temple
Take Back the Worldstone Shard
Showdown at the Peak
Frozen Tundra
To the Frozen Tundra
Cold Pursuit
Through the Ruins
The Iceburn Tear
Those Who Come Before
Blessing of the Slain
The Realm of the Dead
Realm of Damnation
Into the Woods
Light Imprisoned
The Pestilent Corpse
Carved in Blood
The Citadel's Shadow
The Dessicated Legion
Within Flames
The Last Lieutenant
Lord of Damnation
Bearer of Ill Omens
Forgotten Nightmares
News from the Mount
Emergency Reinforcement
Scouring the Mists
Seeker of Truth
Parting Mists
Terror's Tide
Terror's Tide
Message in Blood
Voice in The Coffin
Find the Abducted
The Planks
What the Sea Owes
Breaking the Siege
Unexpected Reinforcement
Bound for Eternity
Stolen Lives
Terror Ascending
Age of Falling Towers
Trail of Terror
Destruction's Wake
Fare You Well
Forsaken Land
Thieves of the Shard
Fraying Bonds
Hidden Rot
An Elder's Hope
My Father's House
Hateful Blessings
Creation's Husk
Dark Rebirth
Tristram Cathedral
Splintered Souls
Lost Justice
The Broken Church
The Madness Below
Open Revolt
No Salvation
Precipice of Horror
Oblivion Awaits
Age of Unmaking
Abyssal Verges
Crucible of Justice
Crucible of Justice
Castle Cyrangar
Ruined Expedition
Join the Ranks
Exploring Cyrangar
The Ancestral Tableau
Secrets of Cyrangar
Purge the Depths
Cycle of Strife
The Cycle Begins
The Cycle Turns
Cycle's Spoils
Immortal Trials
Shadow Lottery
Eyes in the Dark
Accursed Towers
Legacy of Strife
Exalted Night
Ruptured Tides
Bloodstained Moon
Opening the Helliquary
Demonic Remains
A Volatile Mix
Power of the Helliquary
Lassal the Flame-spun
Frozen in Fear
Gorgothra the Claimer
Twin Terrors
Izilech the Misshapen
Resist the Wrathborne
The Chainbreakers
Hearthrot Helliquary
Elite Quests
Curse of the Scepter
Stranger in the Sands
The Astral Bloom
Vowed in Blood
Tempered Instinct
Optional (Tutorial) Quests
Legacy of the Horadrim (Legacy of the Horadrim)
The Fractured Plane (Fractured Plane)
The Greatest Pastime (Fishing)
Legacy of Strife (Accursed Towers)
Salvage Demonic Remains
Trial of the Hordes (Trial of the Hordes)
Familiars (Familiars)
Chronicling the Past (Adventurer's Chronicle)
Vanguard Raid (Vanguard)
Dawn of Damnation
Go to Westmarch
Hostile Territory
The Demon's Lair