The Replenish Life magical attribute is found on items in Diablo II and allows a character's life to be slowly refilled over time. Unlike mana, which is based on maximum mana, Replenish Life is a set value.
The formula for how much life is actually replenished is as follows (where "N" = Replenish Life value):
(25 * N) / 256 = Life Gained Per Second
This comes out to being fairly close to .1 (.09765625 to be exact) life per second for every Replenish Life, or N life every 10 seconds. To name examples of this (hypothetical for most, as they are legitimately impossible), if a Barbarian wanted potion-like healing all the time, he would need approximately Replenish Life +120 for the effectiveness of a Minor Healing Potion, +240 for Light, +400 for Regular, +720 for Greater, and +1,280 for Super, assuming none of those were critical heals.
Part of why this was difficult to stack was the general rarity of items using this effect. The easiest source was to socket Helms or Body Armor with Skulls.
Can be found on:
- Civerb's Icon - set Amulet, +4
- Angelic Halo - set Ring, +6
- Snakecord - unique Light Belt, +5
- The Centurion - unique Hard Leather Armor, +5
- Manald Heal - unique Ring, +5...8
- Arcanna's Head - set Skull Cap, +4
- The Rising Sun - unique Amulet, +10
- Myth - Rune Word, +10
- Honor - Rune Word, +10
- Peasant Crown - unique War Hat, +6...12
- The Spirit Shroud - unique Ghost Armor, +10
- Stormeye - unique War Scepter, +10
- Skin of the Flayed One - unique Demonhide Armor, +15...25
- Carin Shard - unique Petrified Wand, +5
- Warlord's Trust - unique Military Axe, +20
- Spire of Honor - unique Lance, +20
- Gerke's Sanctuary - unique Pavise, +15
- Husoldal Evo - unique Bec-De-Corbin, +20
- Hwanin's Splendor - set Grand Crown, +20
- Goldstrike Arch - unique Gothic Bow, +12
- Trang-Oul's Girth - set Troll Belt, +5
- Atma's Wail - unique Embossed Plate, +10
- Trang-Oul's Wing - set Cantor Trophy, +15
- Heart of the Oak - Rune Word, +20
- Exile - Rune Word, +7
- Call to Arms - Rune Word, +12
- Fortitude - Rune Word, +7
- M'avina's True Sight - set Diadem, +10
- Steel Shade - unique Armet, +10...18
- Eternity - Rune Word, +16
- Chains of Honor - Rune Word, +7
- Verdungo's Hearty Cord - unique Mithril Coil, +10...13
- Trang-Oul's Guise - set Bone Visage, +5
- Pride - Rune Word, +8
- Tal Rasha's Wrappings - partial and complete set bonus, +10
- Halaberd's Reign - unique Conqueror Crown, +15...23
- Naj's Ancient Vestige - complete set bonus, +20
- Heaven's Brethren - complete set bonus, +30