Diablo Wiki
"What do I know of the Realmwalker? Very little. It roams the outskirts of Pandemonium. A lumbering giant with a gaping hallow at its core. Somehow, it can hide its body away, disguising it as a mere portal. Those who pass through it are trapped in a distant world, never to be seen again."

A Realmwalker

Realmwalkers are a type of monster encountered in Diablo III and Diablo IV.



A Realmwalker emerges in Sanctuary

Realmwalkers are creatures native to Pandemonium, of which they roam the realm's outskirts. They are lumbering creatures with gaping hallows at their core. They are able to hide their bodies away, disguising it as a portal. Those who pass through it are trapped in a distant world, never to be seen again.[1]

In 1336, Realmwalkers appeared in Sanctuary in the service of Mephisto,[2] spreading his corruption around the land.[3]


Diablo III[]


Realmwalker in Diablo III

The Realmwalker, Planar Guardian, is a Super Unique Ancient Beast monster in the Battlefields of Eternity. It has a huge Life pool, and in addition to melee attack (which it rarely uses due to its very slow movement), it bombards the area with volleys of fireballs, each spawning a Scouring Charger (or Lobber) on impact.

When it is killed, it will open a portal to the Realm of the Banished.

Diablo IV[]


The Realmwalker in Diablo IV

Realmwalkers will return in Diablo IV as world bosses[3] in Season of Hatred Rising. They must be defeated in order to access Hell Portals to pocket realms of Hatred.[2] They appear in "Hatred Rising" events, which are zone events that cycle between regions. Monsters emerge from the Realmwalker's portal, while the Realmwalker remains buried in the initial stages.[4]

When the Realmwalker emerges, it stomps in a random direction within the bounds of the zone. It cannot be damaged directly, but as the player slays the monsters it spawns, it will eventually spawn Bloodbound Guardians. Killing the Guardians will whittle away the Realmwalker's health. Once the Realmwalker arrives at its destination, it will spawn Hatred Spires. Destroy them, and the Realmwalker can be attacked directly.


