Ravenous Wolves is a Dark Wood side quest seen in Diablo Immortal. It triggers whenever the player talks to Amyrah if she appears near the Tree of Inifuss.

Where to find the side quest
- Kill the Corrupted Beasts.
(Corrupted monsters haunt the forest, threatening you and Amyrah of the Sightless Eye. Drive them off) - Talk to Amyrah.
(Amyrah has a wolf in her care that is unaffected by the Dark Wood's corruption. Talk with her) - Follow the Wolf Pup.
(The wolf is drawn to something nearby, just as the corrupted beasts are drawn to it. Release the wolf, then kill the beasts that pursue it) - Talk to Amyrah.
(Talk to Amyrah) - Defend the Wolf Pup (0/5).
(Defend the wolf from the beasts of the cave) - Continue to protect the Wolf Pup (0/7).
(More twisted creatures are emerging from throughout the forest. Guard the wolf with your life) - Protect the Wolf Pup (0/7).
(Even more ravenous wolves, including an alpha have ambushed you — hold your ground and drive them off) - Talk to Amyrah.
(The wolf's pursuers lie dead. Talk to Amyrah)
- Amyrah: Ah, an adventurer! I could use your help. This wolf pup is in distress. I'd heard reports of direwolves attacking travelers in this forest, but that one sounds different...
- Class: Forgive me, but I'm more concerned over people dying than a pup.
- Amyrah: Yet the two are interlinked. Direwolves are corrupted by dark magic, true, but this one is still pure. That means there's a chance to save others. You want to stop direwolves from attacking innocents? Well, we can do both.
- Howls sound from nearby
- Amyrah: That sound? Corrupted beasts.

Some corrupted wildlife attack the both of you
- After killing the corrupted wildlife
- Amyrah: Those beasts were drawn to the pup. I'm trying to hold it back, but it's fighting me. If I let it go, it's running back to its den...
- Class: We don't have many options here. We have to let it go. Kill whatever monstrous kin comes after it. Be ready, hunter.
- Amyrah frees the pup, allowing it to run towards its den. Follow it and kill all corrupted beasts drawn to the pup

The pup eventually leads the group to its den
- Amyrah: Something within the cave has its attention... I know you're more concerned over what lurks inside there than the pup, but look at it... it's afraid. Just like all of us. We can't let harm come to it.
- Class: Don't worry. I will protect it.

Hordes of corrupted beasts attack (both from the nearby area, and the pup's pack from the cave)
- After killing the beasts
- Amyrah: More wolves! Hold your ground!

More corrupted wolves, along with the pack alpha, emerge from the den
- After killing the beasts
- Amyrah: (to herself) Is no creature safe from this darkness?
Well, did it work? Has the pup been spared the madness that inflicted its mother? - Class: It appears so.
- Amyrah: You were right, it seems. I underestimated how far the darkness had spread. That wolf was almost lost, just like the others. This forest... it may never recover.
- Class: If it does, it will happen because we fought for it. If nothing else, evil was slain and an innocent life was spared. That's good enough for now.
- Amyrah: Heh, you're right. I'll take this small one with me. Maybe we can do some good out there together. As for you, thank you. And safe travels, adventurer.
- Corrupted wolves
- Corrupted quill fiends
- Corrupted Matriarch, Rabid She-Wolf