Raven Claw is a unique Long Bow.
It is one of a few weapons firing Explosive Arrows. That property makes it a fantastic early and even mid game weapon for builds which plenty of weapon fire damage (such as Enchant sorceresses and Holy Fire paladins). However, it lacks pierce, limiting the damage done to large groups of enemies. Later it can be replaced by Kuko Shakaku, Demon Machine.
Raven Claw
Long Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 4-5 to 16-17
Required Dexterity: 19
Required Strength: 22
Required Level: 15
Bow Class - Normal Attack Speed
Fires Explosive Arrows [level 3]
+60-70% Enhanced Damage
50% Bonus to Attack Rating
+3 To Strength
+3 to Dexterity
(Only Spawns in Patch 1.10 or later)
Normal Bows — Pluckeye (Short Bow) • Witherstring (Hunter's Bow) • Raven Claw (Long Bow) • Rogue's Bow (Composite Bow) • Stormstrike (Short Battle Bow) • Wizendraw (Long Battle Bow) • Hellclap (Short War Bow) • Blastbark (Long War Bow)
Exceptional Bows — Skystrike (Edge Bow) • Riphook (Razor Bow) • Kuko Shakaku (Cedar Bow) • Endlesshail (Double Bow) • Witchwild String (Short Siege Bow) • Cliffkiller (Large Siege Bow) • Magewrath (Rune Bow) • Goldstrike Arch (Gothic Bow)
Elite Bows — Eaglehorn (Crusader Bow) • Widowmaker (Ward Bow) • Windforce (Hydra Bow)