Diablo Wiki
Quicksand Golem DIHB

A Quicksand Golem

Quicksand Golems are one of the types of golems animated by Zoltun Kulle to work in, and guard his hidden library. Similar to his other golem creations, they were created using living sand rather than magic.[1]


Quicksand golems are as maddened and broken as any of Kulle's abandoned constructs, but more numerous due to their past as builders. They hurl jagged hunks of rock and sand at anything moving unpredictably in their presence and chisel away at whatever remains after their assault.[2]


Quicksand Golem

A variant of the Quicksand Golem

Quicksand Golems are a type of Golem enemy encountered in the Library of Zoltun Kulle in Diablo Immortal. They attack from range, sending waves of sand/gravel at the player. Quicksand Golems come in 3 variants;

  • A first variant with normal hands (as seen in the image above) that attack at range with sand/gravel.
  • A second variant with one hand modified to a chisel (as seen in the beginning of this page). They attack both at range with sand/gravel and at melee with their modified arms.
  • A third variant with both arms modified to clubs (as seen below). Attacks only at melee.
Sandstone Golem

A variant of the Quicksand Golem

