Molten Boulder Class: Druid Required Level: 6 Skill Tree: Elemental Skills Requires: Firestorm Active Cost: 10 Mana Cooldown: 1 second Lunges a huge molten boulder at a group of foes Damage Type: Fire Synergies: Volcano, Firestorm, Armageddon, Fire Claws Other Stats: Dual Elemental Damage: Fire and Physical |
Molten Boulder is a Druid skill in Diablo II.
By virtue of this talent, a Druid can summon forth a huge, rolling mass of magma, bowling over smaller enemies in its path before bursting into fiery shards.
General Information[]
- Gives synergy to:
- Firestorm: +8% Fire Damage Per Level
- Volcano: +16% Damage Per Level
- Armageddon: +14% Fire Damage Per Level
- Fire Claws: +22% Fire Damage Per Level
- Receives synergy from:
The boulder created by this spell rolls in a straight line until it hits an obstacle, or a large monster. As a rule of thumb, a "large" monster is anything that appears larger or bulkier than the character itself. When it hits a non-large monster, the monster is knocked back. This can cause large amounts of repeated damage on a single small target, with the monster being knocked back, then running into the boulder, just to be knocked back again.
The knockback direction of the boulder is, surprisingly, not along its path, but always away from the caster. If the druid moves after casting, the repeated knockback may not work, since the boulder may knockback the monster away from the path of the boulder.
The boulder creates a temporary Blaze effect as it travels along the ground in a straight line, leaving a trail of fire. This is effective as it slows monsters down, burns them while they are knocked back, and allows the Druid to have his own version of Fire Wall.
Skill Progression[]
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Mana Cost | 10 | 10.5 | 11 | 11.5 | 12 | 12 | 13 | 13 | 14 | 14 | 15 |
Damage | 6–12 | 6–12 | 10–17 | 14–22 | 18–27 | 22–32 | 26–37 | 30–42 | 34–47 | 41–55 | 48–63 |
Fire Damage | 6–12 | 6–12 | 10–18 | 15–23 | 19–29 | 23–34 | 28–39 | 32–45 | 36–50 | 44–59 | 51–68 |
Burn Damage (per second) |
11–16 | 19–24 | 28–32 | 36–41 | 44–49 | 52–57 | 60–65 | 69–73 | 79–84 | 90–94 | 100–105 |
Level | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 25 |
Mana Cost | 15 | 16 | 16 | 17 | 17 | 18 | 18 | 19 | 19 | 22 |
Damage | 55–71 | 62–79 | 69–87 | 76–95 | 83–103 | 90–111 | 100–122 | 110–133 | 120–144 | |
Fire Damage | 59–76 | 66–85 | 74–93 | 82–102 | 89–111 | 97–119 | 108–131 | 118–143 | 129–155 | |
Burn Damage (per second) |
111–116 | 121–126 | 132–137 | 142–147 | 153–158 | 166–171 | 179–183 | 192–196 | 205–209 |
Elemental Skills — Firestorm • Molten Boulder • Arctic Blast • Fissure • Cyclone Armor • Twister • Volcano • Tornado • Hurricane • Armageddon
Shape Shifting Skills — Werewolf • Lycanthropy • Werebear • Maul • Feral Rage • Fire Claws • Rabies • Shock Wave • Hunger • Fury
Summoning Skills — Raven • Poison Creeper • Oak Sage • Summon Spirit Wolf • Carrion Vine • Heart of Wolverine • Summon Dire Wolf • Solar Creeper • Spirit of Barbs • Summon Grizzly