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The Merchants Guild is a mercantile body within Sanctuary.


Early History[]

By the Sin War, the Merchants Guild was an organization of merchants in the Eastern capital city of Kehjan. Along with the Mage Clans, the Merchants Guild formed the ruling body of Kehjan.

Master Fahin was a respected member of the Merchants Guild. The Merchants Guild worked closely with the Mages of the Mage Clans, as the latter relied upon exotic reagents and equipment for their spellcraft for which only the Guild's network could supply with.

Eventually the Merchant Guild suffered a tremendous blow when many of their most esteemed members were brutally slain by the Mage Amolia (who was, in fact, possessed by the vile specter Malic).

Recent History[]

The Merchants Guild (possibly the same organization) operated in Kingsport in the 13th century, having a bank within the town.[1]

