Diablo Wiki
This article is about Magic and its uses in the Diablo Universe. For the Diablo I attribute, see Magic (Attribute). For other uses, see Magic (disambiguation).
"Might and magic are two spokes on the same wheel. In lacking one you lack both."


Spells and Magic

Writings and sketches pertaining to magic

Magic (or Dubhdroiacht in Druidic) is an essential part of Sanctuary and the planes surrounding the world.


"Keep your spells close, lest your enemies get closer."

- Deathspeaker Mykan(src)


A Sorceress using magic

Magic is an ambient[1] and extremely powerful but fickle and unpredictable force. It can exist in a form of raw energy. The manipulation of magic can be studied and learned, but never fully mastered. Westmarch's Rift-Runners devote considerable study to so-called "waking invocations," spells that have been loosed from their creators' control and yet persist.[2] Enchantments exude an aura that can be sensed by many, but years of training are required to properly exploit the mana that pervades Sanctuary.[3] Some magical items' auras are more noticeable than others.[4] Magic carries a scent upon the air[5] and can "crackle" in it, akin to ambient energy.[6]

Some scholars use natural manifestations to explain the workings of the universe. In a common archetype, the physical world is likened to the sky while the ethereal realm of magic is set as the ocean. Following this line of thought, spells are much like the turbulence that occurs where the two interact with each other.[3] The level of connection varies by month and can have different effects.

Because of the cycles of time, each phase of the year has a unique effect on magic, including the creatures of Sanctuary and the Burning Hells. For instance, destructive spells are more potent but harder to control during the month of Kathon. Healing spells and elixrs are are the most potent during Ostara, while Esunar is the best time to create amulets or perform enchantments on objects.[7] Latent magic, if left untamed, can have mutagenic effects on flora and fauna.[8]

Magic can be used to create barriers to keep demons at bay.[4]

Many fools attribute natural events to magic if lacking a different explanation for the phenomena they've observed.[9]

Excess energy from one spell can be absorbed by another.[10]


"Magic can accomplish a lot, but you won't feel the injury you're causing like you would with your hands. Don't let yourself get numb."

- The Memory of Caldasann(src)

The ability to practice magic is not universal among humanity.[11] Only the strongest of humans can harness anything more than the most basic of magical effects, and even then, much energy is lost in the transition between the physical and ethereal realms.[3] The more flawed one's mastery of magic, the more effort must be made into utilizing it.[12] Some humans, however, are born with magical power beyond their ability to control. Try as they may, some of humanity's greatest heroes often leave destruction in their wake because of this.[13]

Some undead are capable of wielding magic,[4] as well as some demons (e.g. imps).[14] Angels can also wield powerful magic.[3]

Most followers of magic hail from the East,[4] and have a diminished presence in the West.[3] Of note, Kehjistan is rife with nodes of magical energy.[4] However, artifacts discovered in Xiansai suggest that magic has been used by the Xian for millennia.[15] Because magic is so difficult to master, it is traditionally taught under strict conditions in a collection of magical academies. However, some individuals forsake such restrictions, believing that as long as the reward of such power is worth it, the risk is irrelevant.[16]


"Magic will never be safe or predictable. Anyone who says it should be isn't good at it."

The use of magic on Sanctuary appears to stem as far back as the nephalem.[3] Inarius attempted to preserve the mortal realm by limiting the immense powers of the nephalem through the Worldstone.[15] The stymied effects of this remained true on humanity.[3]

A time existed before magic was formalized into strict disciplines,[4] but this time came to an end not long before the emergence of human civilization. 100 years after the establishment of Kehjan, the cultures of the land formalized the study of magic, leading to the birth of the Mage Clans. The three clans of most prominent note were the Vizjerei, the Ammuit, and the Ennead, the Ammuit focussing on transmutation of matter and enchantments, the Ennead on illusion and manipulation, and the Vizjerei on summoning and conjuring. It was the Vizjerei's actions that would alert the Burning Hells of the existence of Sanctuary by summoning demons into the mortal world.[15]

Bird of Paradise

A practitioner from the Age of Magic

During the Sin War, the magical energies wielded by angels and demons threatened to tear the world apart.[3] After the conflict, which was rationalized as a clash of faiths, the Age of Magic began as people turned to the Mage Clans for guidance.[15] At the height of the age, magic was celebrated openly; performed on stage and public square in dazzling displays.[17] However, with the Mage Clan Wars, this age came to an end, and people turned to faith as the basis for their lives. Numerous tomes were destroyed, laws were passed against the use of magic, and while some mage clans survived, they did so in diminished form.[15] Some magics from this period became lost to history.[18]

The time of the Horadrim is considered to be the greatest age of magic, when untold discoveries in the arcane arts were made. These powerful mystics used every ounce of power at their command to preserve humanity. Although the Eastern mage-clans keep watch over vast libraries of magical tomes, it is suspected that a great part of this knowledge was lost when the last of the Horadrim died.[3]

By the late 13th century, the Mage Clans had regained some of their influence thanks to the Trade Consortium of Caldeum. In order to make their city a beacon of learning, the Yshari Sanctum was constructed, to be stored with arcana and act as a place of learning and growth for the various clans. Deckard Cain was of the opinion that the sanctum stood as the greatest symbol of mage power and unity since the Age of Magic.[19]


"Magic is not as...powerful as many think. Sometimes a good sword arm can be as valuable as a hundred spells."

Any object imbued with magic exhibits an aura that is easily noticed. To determine the exact nature of this enchantment, however, requires intense study and an extensive knowledge of arcane materials and symbols. While none have mastered the ability to memorize a spell of this magnitude, the Vizjerei developed a means for the untrained to discover the secrets of an ensorcelled object by using a rare crystal that is extremely sensitive to magical auras. This sensitivity makes it very fragile, however and the crystal will shatter if it is brought too close to an enchanted item. The very act of identifying such an object also destroys the crystal. Scrolls and staves have been crafted that can be used to identify magical auras. By using special inks and dyes that contain tiny grains of these crystals, the stability of the crystal is maintained until it is used to examine the enchanted object.[3]

Throughout the ages, artisans have relied on magic materials to enhance and create powerful items.[20]

Various magical items exist. These include amulets, rings, and gems. Precious gems and metals make excellent foci for magical enchantments. Although most of the knowledge of creating such talismans has been either been long lost or is jealously guarded by the Mage Clans, rings and amulets of power may still be discovered. The primary drawback of enchanted jewelry is that multiple pieces seem to interfere with each other. For this reason, only one ring may be worn on each hand, and but one amulet may be worn about the neck.[3]

The Vizjerei discovered that magic could be channeled through a staff. The process of creating such a staff is time consuming, but even a Vizjerei apprenctice can recharge a staff by channeling magic into it. Only those skilled in magic use can use more powerful spell staves.

Wands store magical energies within them.[4]

Scrolls prepared with magical inks can create a focus for spells. Such magical scrolls provide the reader with the ability to cast a spell that they normally may not know, without expending any mana. Very powerful spells cannot be used by the untrained, however, for the cryptic symbols upon them are difficult to comprehend. The act of casting the spell drains the scroll of all magical power and causes the parchment to crumble to dust instantly.

One form of magic use that is still strong in the Western Kingdoms is the brewing of elixirs. In Khanduras, most magic is in the form of enchanted items and elixirs.[3]

Magical devices can provide teleportation—this includes town portal scrolls and waypoints.[3]

Shrines and wells carry magical effects.[4]

Runes are inscribed with magical glyphs.[14]

Charms are items that grant magical enchantments.[14]

Schools of Magic[]

The devotees of magic are a segregated lot. They are as leery of students of rival disciplines as a layperson is of all arcane practitioners.[4] Schools of magic include:

Arcane Magic[]

Main article: Arcane Power
"When you gaze long into the arcane realm, the arcane realm also gazes into you."

A Wizard directing arcane energy

Arcane Magic is used by Wizards. They use their own bodies as a conduit for this magic, allowing them to control light and time, teleport, create powerful illusions, deflect oncoming attacks,[1] and cast this energy in projectile form.[21][22] New practitioners of magic learn control with a single arcane missile. The dream of just making more follows apprentices on their journey to mastery.[23]

Truly powerful Wizards are able to turn this energy inwards, using it to augment their abilities.[24] A relationship exists between arcane magic and time.[25] An "arcane realm" is said to exist.[26]

Arcane Calamity

Adventurers corrupted because of excessive arcane power

However , excess channeling of arcane power can corrupt the body.[27][28]

Astral Magic[]

Astral Magic is a type of ancient magic likely centered around drawing power from celestial bodies.

The Celestial Court practice this magic, and draw power from the moon and stars.[29] This branch appears to be called "Asterism."[30]

The Witch Circles of Sharval practice this magic by drawing power from the moon. This grants them different abilities based on the phases of the moon, ranging from obscuring (new moon), transformation (crescent moon), and control (full moon). Yet they know to draw from the moon with caution.[31]

Some have tried to control the aurora borealis, but instead were twisted by a heinous curse.[32]

Black Magic[]

"Black magic bars our way...but the will of the Templar is stronger."

- Kormac(src)

Black Magic can be imbuned in seeds. It is not discriminating about which it entraps.[6]

Blood Magic[]

"Blood magic is needed to bind the parts together. It is best to start with a heart or a head. Use stitches made from lacuni hair and wait one day between fusing each of the other body parts together."

- Adria's notes on the (hypothetical?) creation of a Butcher Demon(src)


Diablo's rune used for blood magic

Blood Magic is a type of magic that involves the use of blood. The use of this magic can result in constructs.[33] The Blood Marsh is a nexus for this magic.[34] The Priests of Rathma can use this magic[35] by using their own blood to power their spells. This usage of blood is required to power their most potent spells.[36] Blood magic is also used by vampires.[37]

Adria manifested her blood magic using Diablo's runes.[38]

Dark Magic[]

"This magic is chaotic, ancient; the kind that scars the soul."

- Hemlir(src)

Dark Magic is an ancient, chaotic form of magic.[39] It's chaotic nature makes it to corrupt the surrounding fauna[40] and flora.[41] It is/was used by the peoples of the south of Sanctuary,[42] the nobles of the Fahiran Empire,[43] and the Witch Doctors of the Umbaru.[15]

These destructive magics can damage groups of enemies with clouds of acid, gouts of flame and swarms of locusts. Curses and hexes may be cast also, including debilitating poisons and bolts of spirit energy that steal life and vitality.[44] Witch Doctors draw their magic from the Unformed Land.[45] However, dark magic also appears to be associated with Hell.[46]

Dark magic can be used to forge necrosis-warding threads breathe longevity into a human's soul, increasing the mortal's longevity.[43] However, dark magic 'taints' those who use it, and leaves them vulnerable to demonic possession.[47] This damage can affect both the body and soul. Furthermore, dark magic can corrupt the land itself, such as the case of the Dark Wood.[39]

Demonic Magic[]

"For now I find this power gained is more unto a curse. My spirit burns with every spell and each irreverent verse. Despite this strength and knowledge earned, I have paid a heavy toll. Never should’ve traded power for my own immortal soul."

- The Initiate (excerpt)(src)

Triune demon summoning-cropped

A demon being summoned into a mortal body

Demonic Magic is a type of magic. Demons can be summoned to the physical plane through this method.[14] Blood and human flesh can be used to bolster this magic,[48] with pillars of flesh and bone used to anchor effects.[49] Use of demonic magic taints the blood of humans using it.[50] Through the process of summoning, a demon can possess the shell of a human.[7]

Centuries ago, when using demonic magic, it was common to invoke lesser demons and subdue them in order to gain their power. Fooled by these creatures' small stature, sorcerers underestimated their powers and often summoned them to serve as familiars. Once lulled into trusting these demons, the master would find their will subjugated by that of their "servant," who would then vivisect him and create numerous homunculi from the pieces.[51] Adria detailed the preferred method of summoning demons. One should never attempt to summon a demon alone. Instead, the summoning should be conducted in a group consisting of three, four, or seven individuals (representing the Prime Evils, Lesser Evils, and combination of the two respectively).[7]

Of note, magic was used to create the demonic Winged Fiends.[3]


Astral Depart

A Taan mage opens a tear to the Astral Realm

Divination is a type of magic used to uncover hidden knowledge; especially of the past, future and a distant location. The Taan practice this magic by peering through the Astral Realm.

Trees can also be used for divination as they can show visions of their pasts,[31] or their deaths.[52] Druids also practice divination.[53] Under the stars and new moon, devotees often see new patterns in the night sky, hinting at things yet to come.[54]

Forces of the Burning Hells have their own forms of divination, which usually involves sacrifices. Secrets can be unveiled either through the death-ash of a burnt sacrifice,[55] or through haruspex.[56] The Cult of Terror had a ritual where mutilated sacrifices were drowned in brine.[57]

Elemental Magic[]

"Skin burns like paper, chills cut to the bone, and lightning is drawn to the victim as if they were a bar of iron in a rainstorm."

- A comment on the effects of elemental magic.(src)

In Elemental Magic, base elements are molded into whatever forms are needed. However, not all elements can synergize with each other, but power can still be drawn from the conflict of elements.[58]

Weather manipulation is the most impressive form of this branch of magic. The Zann Esu Clan pursue the use of elemental magic as per their quest for "perfect" magic.[4] Likewise, the Vizjerei Clan have practiced elemental magic since the end of the Mage Clan Wars.[42] Lightning Demons have also demonstrated the power of weather manipulation.[59]

Branches of elemental magic include:

Electric Magic[]

Main article: Lightning Spells

A Sorceress channeling electric energy

Electromagnetism exists on the threshold of the ethereal and physical realms. While it is very efficient to transform mana into electrical energy, it is extremely difficult to control.[3] The power of lightning is that it sees nothing but targets.[60] The caster is able to shield themself from the effects of these spells, but any creature - friend or foe - may be struck.[3] It requires confidence to wield the uncontrollable power of lightning, and something closer to madness to dress oneself in it.[61] Additionally, the use of this branch of magic includes skills such as telekinesis, shields, and teleportation. At the peak of its use is weather manipulation.[3]

Fire Magic[]

Main article: Fire Spells

Fire lies at the edge of both energy and matter, so it is a simple matter to shape mana into magical flame. Magical fire requires no earthly source. These flames will burn as long as mana feeds them. The Horadrim were skilled enough to create torches that burn with an eternal flame, but those abilities have been long lost.[3] However, a possibly similar device exists in the form of the Light of Grace, which through magic, is able to draw warmth from its surroundings to increase its luminescence.[62]

Fire can be used as a projectile, and weapons may be enchanted with its power. However, fire is an unpredictable, destructive force, and even for an experienced spellcaster, its use can be uncooperative. Under this branch of magic is the Hydra, which is summoned from the core of the mortal world.[4]

Ice Magic[]

Main article: Cold Spells

Ice is a powerful elemental force. Some Zann Esu argue that cold is the most versatile of the elements; it preserves even that which it destroys.[63] It can be used as both a projectile and means of defense.[4] Winter apparently has a power of its own.[64]

Wind Magic[]

"The wind carries life for those enveloped in its flow, and death for those arrayed against it."


Sanctifier Proxy DI

Wind combines with fire to create a firestorm

Wind[14] is one of the natural elements of Sanctuary.[1] It can be used to create cyclones, storms and vortexes.[65] Wind magic enhances fire magic and ice magic to create firestorms and blizzard.

Holy Magic[]

Main article: Light
Paladin Prayer

A Paladin bathed in light

Holy Magic (a.k.a. Divine Magic)[66] is gifted to mortals by the High Heavens. Paladins can call upon this magic. This includes the use of auras, of both defensive and offensive natures, as well as various combat skills.[4] Wrath, as used by Crusaders, is a form of divine magic, and is fueled by their devotion to the Zakarum faith.[66]

By combining this magic with fire, Holy Bolts may be cast,[3] though may also be cast as pure forms of Light.[4]

Natural Magic[]

Natural Magic is an ancient type of magic.[67] It is used by Druids,[14] and was called upon by Horazon and his Vizjerei followers during the Mage Clan Wars to defeat Bartuc.[67] It can call on the elements of fire and wind.[68]

Elemental Magic[]

Main article: Elemental Skills

Years of study and a life lived in harmony with nature have provided the Druids a unique empathy with the world around them. These skills represent the Druids' ability to influence the forces of nature. Expertise in these skills allows them to strike at enemies from a distance, assault whole groups of enemies at once, and even protect themselves from the elemental attacks of others.

These elemental abilities include fire, ice, lightning and wind, yet sources differ from elemental magic. E.g., fire is called upon from the earth itself[14] (whereas elemental magic involves shaping mana into fire),[4] and the wind is called on directly for aid.[14]

Tempests also used elemental magic to harness water, wind and lightning.[69] Unlike druids, they do not wield this power in harmony with nature, but use tongues of their forgotten empresses to twist the elements in unnatural shapes.[70]


Main article: Shape Shifting Skills

This is perhaps the most astonishing of all the talents granted to the Druids. Shapeshifting allows the Druids to manipulate their own flesh and form, taking on characteristics and capabilities of the beasts they have sworn to protect. Druidic warriors follow two paths: the path of the bear, and the path of the wolf. Some shapeshifting skills are available only to a single animal form, while others are common to both wolf and bear forms.[4]


Main article: Summoning Skills

Long ago, the Druids confided in prayer their sacred charge to the supreme spirits of Nature. The spirits were moved by their plight and answered the Druids' call for help. Over the many years since then, the spirits have contributed in many ways to the Druids' cause, even offering up soldiers to serve in their campaign. A Druid educated in the language of the Natural spirits can appeal to them, and they will provide him with valuable companions. These companions fall into three groups: spirit animals, sentient vines, and minor spirits of Nature.[4] Witch Circles of Sharval Wilds have a long history of summoning Qlnae as familiars.[71]


"All that grows must also wither and die. All dies and rots, and will then nourish the living. This is the Great Cycle of Being, and we, the Priests of Rathma, use our dark art to create it."


Necromancy[72], otherwise known as the Art of Rathma,[73] the Art of the Son,[74] Death Magic,[75] or the Dark Arts,[45] is a school of magic.[72] Demons possess necromatic abilities,[4] as do some vampires.[76]

Among mortals, necromancy has long been abused, and is a reviled practice.[36] It is considered a "dark" art,[4] and people believe that the use of necromancy attracts the attention of demons[36] (or outright summoning them)[77] and puts Sanctuary at risk.[36] This is not true however. In point of fact, necromancy involves Summoning Spells, which can summon skeletons and golems, and even revival. Other necromatic abilties are based on the use of poison and bone and curses.[4]

Rathma was the first nephalem to discover necromancy.[78]

Around the time of the Darkening of Tristram, among mortals, only the Priests of Rathma had access to necromancy,[4] which they gain by drawing on the power of Trag'Oul,[79] Because of their use of necromancy, many people shun the priests.[4] By the Great Enmity, Mother's Kiss (a cult dedicated to Lilith) also practiced necromancy. They believed that by practing "the Art of the Son," they would become closer to the Mother of Sanctuary.[74]


A Necromancer with skeletons

Necromancy gains its power from that of death itself.[45] Magical expenditure when it comes to raising the dead is not set. For instance, one could spend the same amount of energy summoning 100 mindless skeletons as a single astute one.[80] Necromancy does not need to be directed to take effect; the mere proximity of a practitioner of such dark arts can rouse the dead and disturb those souls who have earned their rest.[81]

Preservation Magic[]

Preservation Magic was wielded by the nephalem. Artifacts can be imbued with this magic, and can keep nephalem (and humans) alive for extended periods (if not indefinitely), even when suffering grievous harm.[82]

Prime Magic[]

Prime Magic is wielded by the Askari and Priests of Rathma. Prime energies flow through all living things, and practitioners of necromancy can curse the fate of a victim by manipulating these energies. In the case of the Askari, their use of this magic appears to consist of calling on their deities to empower them with supernatural abilities and to harness their natural spiritual energies.[4]

Shadow Magic[]

"I walk amongst the shadows and call them my own. With every silent stride, I claim my domain."

Shadow Magic,[83] a.k.a. Shadow Energy is used by Demon Hunters.[84] This consists of apocryphal magics, allowing Demon Hunters to cloak themselves in darkness, confound others attacks, and slip between shadows to sneak up on their prey.[83] Similarly, Assassins train in the use of the Shadow Disciplines, which involve obfuscation and the honing of psychic abilities. These disciplines do not involve the casting of actual spells.[14]

Of note, Demon Hunters can tap into their "inner demons" to empower themselves, or even manifest it as a summon.[85]

Blood Knights can also use shadow magic to create constructs[86]Diablo Immortal, Umbral Lance</ref> or illusions.[87]


This section contains facts and trivia relevant to this article.
  • During development of Diablo III, some members of Team 3 argued that magic should not be present in the game.[88]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Wizard, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2014-02-28
  2. Diablo Immortal, Waking Invocation
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 Diablo Manual
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 Diablo II Manual
  5. The Kingdom of Shadow
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Order
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Book of Adria: A Diablo Bestiary
  8. Frog Demon, The Arreat Summit. Accessed on 2016-07-18
  9. Diablo Immortal, Among the Bodies
  10. Galvanizing Ward, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2014-02-28
  11. Diablo Immortal, Memory of Tal Rasha
  12. Diablo III, Act I, Reign of the Black King
  13. Diablo IV, Fractured Magic
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Manual
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Book of Cain
  16. 2018-11-17, BlizzCon 2018 Diablo Immortal World and Q&A Panel Transcript. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2018-11-20
  17. Diablo IV, Bird of Paradise
  18. Diablo Immortal, Lost Runes
  19. Book of Tyrael
  20. Diablo III, Exquisite Essence
  21. Magic Missile, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2014-03-03
  22. Arcane Orb, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2014-03-03
  23. Diablo Immortal, Blaster Cast
  24. Blur, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2014-02-28
  25. Temporal Flux, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2014-02-28
  26. Diablo III, Etched Sigil
  27. Diablo Immortal, Arcane Calamity
  28. Arcane Power
  29. Diablo IV, Celestial Court
  30. Diablo IV, Asterism Point
  31. 31.0 31.1 Diablo Immortal, Crimson Slag#Lore
  32. Diablo Immortal, Corrupt Radiance
  33. Diablo III, Flesh Shaman Lore
  34. 2014-03-06, REAPER OF SOULS™ FIRST LOOK: EXPLORING THE BLOOD MARSH. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2014-06-11
  35. 2016-11-24, THE LONG ROAD TO DIABLO 4 IS PAVED WITH MORE DIABLO 3. IGN, accessed on 2016-11-26
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 Rise of the Necromancer, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2017-06-30
  37. 2023-10-05, Diablo IV | Season of Blood | Dev Insights. YouTube, accessed on 2023-10-05
  38. Diablo III, Act V
  39. 39.0 39.1 Diablo Immortal, Between Two Evils
  40. Diablo Immortal, Corrupted Mauler
  41. Diablo Immortal, Blackened Branch
  42. 42.0 42.1 Demonsbane
  43. 43.0 43.1 Diablo Immortal, Deathless Destiny
  44. Witch Doctor, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2014-03-03
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 2016-11-04, Restoring the Balance—Necromancer Overview. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2016-11-07
  46. Diablo Immortal, Ember of Dark Magic
  47. Diablo III, Act II, The Black Soulstone
  48. Diablo III, Command from Cultist Grand Inquisitor
  49. Diablo Immortal, Death Spire
  50. Diablo III, Cultist Blood
  51. Demon Imp, The Arreat Summit. Accessed on 2014-08-12
  52. Diablo Immortal,Opening the Helliquary
  53. Diablo IV, Celestial Visions
  54. Diablo IV, Clarity of Vision
  55. Diablo Immortal,Hellfire Augur
  56. Diablo Immortal,Voice in The Coffin,Find the Abducted
  57. Diablo Immortal,The Planks,What the Sea Owes
  58. Diablo Immortal, Antipodal Order
  59. The Awakening
  60. Diablo Immortal, Rampant and Inscrutable
  61. Diablo Immortal, Blazing Brunt
  62. Diablo III, Light of Grace
  63. Diablo Immortal, Crustclaw
  64. Diablo III, Halo of Arlyse
  65. Arcane Wind
  66. 66.0 66.1 2013-10-16, Crusader. First Impressions.. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2013-10-16
  67. 67.0 67.1 Legacy of Blood
  68. Druid, The Arreat Summit. Accessed on 2014-03-01
  69. 2024-5-16; COMMAND WIND AND SEA AS THE TEMPEST. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2024-8-2
  70. Diablo Immortal, Slippery Shell
  71. Diablo Immortal, Familiars
  72. 72.0 72.1 Power Hungry, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2014-02-28
  73. Diablo III, Canem Mortem Liber
  74. 74.0 74.1 Diablo IV, Mother's Kiss
  75. Diablo III, Pestilence Gloves
  76. Diablo IV, Bloodstained Scrap of Paper
  77. The Black Road
  78. Diablo IV, Kasama
  79. 2013-12-08, BlizzCon 2013 – Diablo III Lore and Story Q&A Panel Transcript. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2014-03-11
  80. Writings of Abd al-Hazir: The Skeletal Undead
  81. Diablo IV, Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul
  82. Diablo Immortal, Among the Bodies
  83. 83.0 83.1 Demon Hunter, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2014-03-04
  84. 2013-12-05, BlizzCon 2013 – Diablo III: Gameplay Systems + Crusader Panel Transcript. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2014-02-26
  85. Diablo Immortal, Vengeance
  86. Diablo Immortal, Shadow's Edge
  87. Diablo Immortal, Shroud of Night
  88. Play Nice: The Rise, Fall, and Future of Blizzard Entertainment, pg. 160