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The Mage Clan Wars refers to the conflict between the three most prominent Mage Clans at the time of its occurence— the Vizjerei, the Ennead, and the Ammuit,[1] though the Druids[2] and Priests of Rathma[3] also appear to have taken part.

The conflict lasted from the years -210 to -203,[1] ending the Age of Magic[4] and costing thousands of lives.



In the decades after the Sin War, Mage reasserted the control they once held over the east. Taking heed of the events, the Ennead and Ammuit declared that no mage clan would ever summon another demon into Sanctuary, that Heaven and Hell had to stay out of mortal affairs however. In the midst of this period, the third clan, the Vizjerei, rose to greatest success. Operating under close scrutiny, the Vizjerei ranks soon included thousands of active Sorcerers.[4]

In the year -264, the truth became known to the Ennead, as one of their sources within the Vizjerei reported seeing a ritual of summoning in the depths of the Yshari Sanctum. Assassins were assigned to target key Vizjerei members, where the Vizjerei targeted key Ennead and Ammuit figures in retaliation. The situation further deteriorated where a heated meeting in the Al'Raquish erupted into a battle that resulted in multiple deaths. With the violence coming out into the open, the Ennead and Ammuit stormed the main Vizjerei academy at Viz-jun. By the time the dust cleared, the academy had been leveled, and not a single Vizjerei mage was left alive.

The battle was over. But the Mage Clan Wars had begun.[4]

Open War

"My mother told me not to join the mages' army. I should have listened. In the morning they're sending the infantry against the Vizjerei. I don't know how we're supposed to survive. Maybe we're not. It's so beautiful here. Maybe if I hid in the trees, they wouldn't notice me."

- The journal of a Mage Clans soldier during the war(src)

As battles raged across Kehjistan, the Vizjerei Ruling Council fled Viz-jun, went into hiding, and began consolidating its forces.[4] Caldeum declared its neutrality and escaped the conflict unscathed.[5] Over the next seven years,[1] the combined Ennead and Ammuit forces won several victories against isolated Vizjerei pockets before directing the entirety of their combined might against the Vizjerei's main force.[4] Regular soldiers were used by the Mage Clans.[6] During the height of the war, the Vizjerei began feeling the stress of long struggle. One Vizjerei faction resolved to create an army of demon-possessed victims, and the peaceful Umbaru people of Teganze seemed to be the ideal subjects. Over the course of a few decades, as Umbaru were taken by Vizjerei and turned into khazra, the once peaceful Umbraru-Vizjerei relations had turned into outright war. Over the next two centuries, the khazra would continue to plague the Vizjerei.[7]

According to the Zakarum scholar Brast, the area that is now known as the Desolate Sands was created during one of the battles in the war, as explosive energies devastated the entire area.[8]

After seven years of war,[4] the Vizjerei were hopelessly outnumbered and on the verge of defeat. Thus, they played their trump card—summoned demons. In an instant, the tide turned as creatures of the Burning Hells cut their way through the Ennead and Ammuit ranks, allowing the Vizjerei to drive their foes all the way back to Viz-jun.[4]

The Tale of Bartuc and Horazon

Although the Vizjerei were willing to utilize demons to achieve their goals, differences of opinion existed as to how this would be carried out. The siblings Horazon and Bartuc, both Vizjerei mages, exemplified this. Horazon believed that while demons were a great source of power, they had to be bent to one's will.[9] The process of breaking a demon's will was a great delight to Horazon.[4] In contrast, Bartuc grew to sympathize with the demons. With no small amount of influence from them, he believed that demonkind would be best understood through an outright alliance with them, so their secrets could be shared freely.[9]

Nonetheless, Bartuc continued the war, earning the title of "Warlord of Blood." Demonic corruption spread through the Vizjerei and the hellspawn he summoned lacked any kind of control, and destroyed everything in their path. Bartuc was not dismayed though—he viewed demons as humankind's masters, and that loyalty to them would be genorously rewarded. Horazon, however, realized that Bartuc's path would only lead to ruin. Even if the Vizjerei won the war, there would be nothing of civilization left, that the clan's only legacy would be death or enslavement to the Burning Hells.[4]

The Battle of Viz-jun

In the final stages of the war, as victory seemed assured, the Vizjerei Council resolved to remove Bartuc from command[4] due to his acts of depravity.[1] With the philosophical schism of Horazon and Bartuc coming to a head,[9] the Vizjerei fell into civil war, as Bartuc turned his forces against his own people. After many hard fought battles, Bartuc's contingent gained the upperhand, and he set his armies against Viz-jun.[4] But ultimately, the end of the war would be decided by Horazon and Bartuc themselves.

The battle between the siblings took place just outside the towering gates. Horazon, appearing at the eleventh hour, rose to answer Bartuc's challenge. The cataclysmic battle that resulted brought the walls of the city down around them.[4] In the midst of this, the hero Telranden led a charge that saved many lives.[10] Yet the city was leveled, and the death toll numbered in the hundreds of thousands.[9] And yet the brothers battled, realizing too late that they had both been played for fools by demons.[9] Yet as the smoke cleared, Bartuc lay dead, with Horazon standing over his brother's corpse.[4]

The war was over.

Aftermath and Legacy

The grieving Horazon was aware that as long as the agents of the Burning Hells had access to Sanctuary, the corruption of hearts and civilizations would never cease. Following the battle, he crafted for himself the Arcane Sanctuary, a place where the agents of Hell could never find him.[4] For their part, the Vizjerei resolved to forevermore spurn demonic magic and instead focus their studies on elemental magic. To further ensure that a tragedy of this magnitude would never be repeated, the Viz-Jaq'taar were formed, an order of mage slayers known as "assassins."[9]

Yet it was too little too late. Once, mages had been revered in eastern culture, but faced with the events that had occurred, the people of Kehjistan turned against them. Many mages were exiled, or even executed, and while the Vizjerei survived as a group, they were but a shadow of their former selves. With the exception of the Yshari Sanctum, the mages' holdings and bastions were pulled down and burnt by the angry citizenry, along with all the knowledge they had collected. Laws were passed against the use of magic and ultimately, the Age of Magic was replaced by what would become known as the Age of Faith.[4]

The souls of of the most merciless Sorcerers and Necromancers slain in the wars became spell-casting Oblivion Knights, bound in servitude to Hell even thousands of years later.[3]

The role the Druids played in the wars soured their relationship with their Barbarian kinsmen.[2]

Kehjistan would never regain the glory it had possessed prior to the wars,[11] and much of the land was left bristling with untamed magical energies. While much of this dissipated over time, some had effects upon the landscape and creatures of the land's jungles. Trees and vines would grow to unusual size, rivers and swamps would appear overnight, and once innocuous creatures would gain dangerous abilities with an appetite to match.[12]


This section contains facts and trivia relevant to this article.
  • The conflict bears resemblance to the War of the Ancients from Warcraft—both storylines are sparked by consorting with demons, and both involve a clash between two brothers/friends.

