Jade Talon is a unique Wrist Sword from Diablo II.
With a good Mana leech, Jade Talon is the only unique katar that gives specific bonuses to Shadow Disciplines. However, Jade Talon's advantage lies in defense; it is the only unique katar to give a boost to all Resistances, useful in Nightmare and Hell mode.
Jade Talon
Wrist Sword
Damage: (98-115) To (130-153)
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 105
Required Dexterity: 105
Durability: 56
Katar Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
(Assassin Only)
+190-240% Enhanced Damage
+1-2 To Martial Arts (Assassin Only)
+1-2 To Shadow Disciplines (Assassin Only)
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
10-15% Mana Stolen Per Hit
All Resistances +40-50
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)

The Jade Talon in the possession of an Assassin, the attack speed is Very Fast. All other classes will see this as Very Slow.
Exceptional Katars — Bartuc's Cut-Throat (Greater Talons)
Elite Katars — Jade Talon (Wrist Sword) • Shadow Killer (Battle Cestus) • Firelizard's Talons (Feral Claws)