Diablo Wiki

Isbel was a resident of Nevesk.


At some point, Isbel visited Kyovashad, bringing weapons with her to Nevesk.[1]

In 1336, Nevesk came under the sway of Lilith, Isbel included. The Wanderer arrived in the town and was sent to investigate the Icehowl Ruins. The villagers, including Isbel, appeared surprised the Wanderer survived the task. The posed a celebration in order to drug them. The Wanderer was taken away to be sacrificed, but managed to escape. Isbel was killed during the fight.[citation needed]

In Game[]

Isbel is an NPC in Diablo IV. She is first introduced inside the tavern in Nevesk as a part of the "Dusk on the Mountain" quest. She is also a Weapons Vendor. During "A Hero's Reward," she becomes an enemy. As an enemy she uses a sword.


During Dusk on the Mountain and A Hero's Return before speaking to Vani, she is located just inside the door of the tavern. Her responses are upon opening the vendor menu:

"Gotta protect yourself out there."
"Brought these down from Kyovashad."
"The woods around here are dangerous."
"These will keep you safe."


This section contains facts and trivia relevant to this article.


  1. Diablo IV, Isbel