Into the Mountains is the first Mount Zavain quest in Diablo Immortal. It leads directly into Khazra Aggression.
- Search Mount Zavain for the Worldstone Shard.
(Just as before, the Worldstone Shard must be in someone's hands for the ritual to have revealed it. Search the mountain for whatever unfortunate soul may have encountered the stone.) - Kill the attacking beasts (0/6).
- Talk to Oza.
(With the khazra defeated, a lone monk stands victorious among the bodies. Now seems as good a time as any to speak with her and learn of this mountain's woes.) - Follow Oza to Sentinel's Watch.
(A nearby village has come under attack and its people have fled to the outpost of Sentinel's Watch. Join Oza and see what help you can offer the guards.)
- Corpses litter the Mountain Path
- Class: A corpse. And freshly killed as well...Whatever caused this attack must be nearby.
- And little further, sounds of battle can be heard from ahead
- Class: That sounds like combat ahead.
- A lone monk is surrounded by Khazra. Help her
- Oza
- Standard: A traveler? And a well-armed one at that. The khazra have grown aggressive as of late. I would not recommend traveling Mount Zavain alone for the time being.
- Monk: You there. I did not expect to meet an elder upon my travels. I had not heard of another monk being sent to quell the troubles upon Mount Zavain. I trust the rampaging khazra gave you no issues?
- Class:
- Standard: I see your point. These goatmen do seem troublesome. How can I help?
- Monk: No, sister, they did not. Yet I was not sent by the patriarchs to this mountain. I have come for my own reasons. And it appears you could use some help...
- Oza: A good question, but one that is not mine to answer. I was on my way to speak with the target of these attacks: the Sons of Rakkis. Perhaps you wish to join me? leaves
- Follow Oza to Sentinel's Watch
- Oza: We have come to speak with your captain.
- Guard Morris
- Standard: A monk from the temple! Open the gate!
- Monk: Monks from the temple! Open the gate!
- Enter Sentinel's Watch
- Moon Clan Warrior