Ill Tidings is the first quest of Act I of Diablo IV. It is received as soon as the player completes the prologue. It leads directly into Tarnished Luster.
- Travel to the Cathedral of Light "I must seek out the Cathedral of Light and warn them of Lilith. Lorath suggested they may make useful allies in our fight against the Daughter of Hatred."
- Enter the Cathedral of Light "Lorath has gone to the Dry Steppes to follow the path of the mysterious man in the vision. I will travel north to warn the Cathedral of Light of Lilith's return and seek their advice."
- Speak with Reverend Mother Prava "Reverend Mother Prava has agreed to speak to me regarding the rumors of Lilith."
- Take Vigo's Report "Reverend Mother Prava has provided me with the report from the Knight Penitent Captain Vigo to take and read before traveling to Yelesna to meet him personally."
- Reverend Mother Prava: We were born in sin, children of darkness. But the Father's Light can be sought through penitence and faith. Walk in the Light!
- Cutscene
- Reverend Mother Prava: We must be ever vigilant against sin, Brother.
- Iosef: Yes, Reverend Mother.
- Reverend Mother Prava: Let the Light of Inarius burn away wickedness. Let not temptation lead you from his holy radiance. Let righteousness sear away corruption and sin. Cast out thy Darkness, for only Light must remain!
- Reverend Mother Prava: Is this the one from Nevesk?
- Iosef: Yes, Reverend Mother.
- Iosef: Did Lorath not accompany you?
- Class: He sent me on without him.
- Iosef: Putting faith in that old man was a mistake. What could possibly be of greater import?
- Class: Lilith.
- Reverend Mother Prava: So, you know. Hmmph.
- Reverend Mother Prava: We have received word from one of our Knights of a demon sighting in Gale Valley. The description matches too closely to the sighting in Nevesk.
- Reverend Mother Prava: If you would travel to Yelesna and take stock of the events there, you would have the gratitude of the Cathedral of Light.
- Reverend Mother Prava: I had thought to send Lorath, but--
- Iosef: Again, he fails in his duty.
- Reverend Mother Prava: With or without Lorath, the will of Inarius shall be done.
- Cutscene ends
- Reverend Mother Prava: Here, take the Knight's report before you go.