The Hallowed Defender (previously Hallowed Barrier) is a Shield piece of the Hallowed Defenders crafted set in Diablo III. It requires character level 60 to be used. The level 70 version is Hallowed Barricade.
Stats (Level 60)[]
Hallowed Defender
Set Shield
- 1060-1259 Armor
- +18.0–28.0% Chance to Block
- (3680–4600)–(4416–6440) Block Amount
- +81–85 Resistance to All Elements
- +8% Chance to Block
- +4 Random Magic Properties
Set Bonuses:
- +40 Resistance to All Elements (2 pieces)
- Attack Speed Increased by 5.0% (2 pieces)
Based upon a damaged angelic shield recently unearthed and subsequently identified as dating from the very earliest days of the world.
The Hallowed Defender can be crafted using the Plan: Hallowed Defenders, 50000 gold, 15 Reusable Parts, 15 Arcane Dust and 20 Veiled Crystals.
The glowing tendrils (angelic wings) of this shield cast a shadow on the ground, as if they were solid matter.