Diablo Wiki

The Hallowed Defender (previously Hallowed Barrier) is a Shield piece of the Hallowed Defenders crafted set in Diablo III. It requires character level 60 to be used. The level 70 version is Hallowed Barricade.

Stats (Level 60)[]

Hallowed Defender

Hallowed Defender
Set Shield

  • 1060-1259 Armor


  • +18.0–28.0% Chance to Block
  • (3680–4600)–(4416–6440) Block Amount
  • +81–85 Resistance to All Elements
  • +8% Chance to Block
  • +4 Random Magic Properties

Set Bonuses:

  • +40 Resistance to All Elements (2 pieces)
  • Attack Speed Increased by 5.0% (2 pieces)

Based upon a damaged angelic shield recently unearthed and subsequently identified as dating from the very earliest days of the world.


The Hallowed Defender can be crafted using the Plan: Hallowed Defenders, 50000 gold, 15 Reusable Parts, 15 Arcane Dust and 20 Veiled Crystals.


This section contains facts and trivia relevant to this article.

The glowing tendrils (angelic wings) of this shield cast a shadow on the ground, as if they were solid matter.
