Ginther's Rift is a unique Dimensional Blade from Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.
The prime advantage of Ginther's Rift is its very high added magic damage. Most enemies do not have Resistances to magic damage, so Ginther's Rift will generally always do a large amount of damage to opponents. This high damage is also supported by the high Attack Speed of Ginther's Rift, making it both a fast and powerful weapon.
However, the rest of the properties associated with Ginther's Rift are minimal at best. In Nightmare and Hell difficulties, magic damage is too high for the magic damage reduction of Ginther's Rift to be effective. Still, it may be enough to prevent dying from one hit.
Ginther's Rift repairs itself every five seconds. This is actually a fairly useful ability, and can help save gold on expenses used for repairing weapons. In addition, the repairing speed allows for an ethereal Ginther's Rift to be fairly useful for those lucky enough to find one.
Ginther's Rift
Dimensional Blade
One-Hand Damage: (26-32) To (70-87)
Required Level: 37
Required Strength: 85
Required Dexterity: 60
Durability: 60
Sword Class - Fast Attack Speed
+100-150% Enhanced Damage
Adds 50-120 Magic Damage
30% Increased Attack Speed
Magic Damage Reduced By 7-12
Repairs 1 Durability in 5 Seconds
Normal Swords — Rixot's Keen (Short Sword) • Blood Crescent (Scimitar) • Skewer of Krintiz (Sabre) • Gleamscythe (Falchion) • Griswold's Edge (Broad Sword) • Hellplague (Long Sword) • Culwen's Point (War Sword) • Shadowfang (Two-Handed Sword) • Soulflay (Claymore) • Kinemil's Awl (Giant Sword) • Blacktongue (Bastard Sword) • Ripsaw (Flamberge) • The Patriarch (Great Sword)
Exceptional Swords — Bloodletter (Gladius) • Coldsteel Eye (Cutlass) • Hexfire (Shamshir) • Blade of Ali Baba (Tulwar) • Ginther's Rift (Dimensional Blade) • Headstriker (Battle Sword) • Plague Bearer (Rune Sword) • The Atlantean (Ancient Sword) • Crainte Vomir (Espandon) • Bing Sz Wang (Dacian Falx) • The Vile Husk (Tusk Sword) • Cloudcrack (Gothic Sword) • Todesfaelle Flamme (Zweihander) • Swordguard (Executioner Sword)
Elite Swords — Djinn Slayer (Ataghan) • Bloodmoon (Elegant Blade) • Lightsabre (Phase Blade) • Azurewrath (Phase Blade) • Frostwind (Cryptic Sword) • Flamebellow (Balrog Blade) • Doombringer (Champion Sword) • The Grandfather (Colossus Blade)