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"A barren landscape, only earth remains. This I want."

- Gebdu(src)

Gebdu, Mountain Breaker is a demon, and a member of the Hearthrot.


A creature of solitude,[1] Gebdu strives to purge the land of life, leaving behind a bare and desolate world. Gebdu relies on his massive strength and size to collapse caverns, shatter towns and people to the paste on which his children feed. Of his own accord, Gebdu would grind the same region to dust for eons. But the Lord of Destruction granted him a vision of Sanctuary, and he now wishes to see it all crumble at once.[2]

Gebdu effect

Sandstorms in Shassar Sea caused by Gebdu's taint

Gebdu's corruption created sandstorms in Shassar Sea.

After his death, Gebdu's head, heart, fists and foot were sealed within the Helliquary.


Gebdu DIcon

Gebdu's portrait

Gebdu is the third Hearthrot Helliquary boss to be defeated. He becomes available at Hell II.


Gebdu is fought in the Hall of the Mountain Breaker.

First Phase[]

"Tremble before Destruction's Harbinger."
Gebdu entrance
  • Pummel: Gebdu pummels the ground with his fists, ending with a slam with both fists. This is his main attack.
  • Eruption: Gebdu stomps with a foot, causing a stalagmite to erupt beneath the player. Getting hit inflicts Stun for a second. It can be evaded by moving out of the warning circle.
  • Leap: Gebdu leaps to the player's location, and slams both fists to the ground.
  • Slam: Gebdu slams both fists down in a double axe-handle strike, unleashing 3 cones of force that causes knockback.
  • Totem: Gebdu summons a totem that fires a single sweep of petrifying beams.
  • Quake: Gebdu slams his fists to the ground, creating expanding rings of stone spikes. If the player is close to Gebdu, they are pushed back beyond the first ring.

Second Phase (Spalls)[]

"I will bring stillness to Sanctuary."
Gebdu Fission

Gebdu divides himself into Spalls

At around 69% overall health ( health bars), Gebdu leaps to the center of the arena and fissures into 2 Spalls. Each Spall is immune to knockback, and usually mirror each other in their attacks. When killed, they shatter into piles of rocks.

  • Boulders: Each Spall digs into the ground with a hand, and rolls 3 boulders that spread out in a cone towards the player. This is their main attack.
  • Slam: Same as before.
  • Eruption: Same as before.
  • Beam: Each Spall fires 4 diverging lasers from their eye.
  • Summon Minion: The Spalls summon a group of Quicksand Golems and Rock Golems.

Third Phase[]

"Desolate of life. All shall crumble."
Spall Fusion

The Spalls recombine to form Gebdu

When the last Spall is at 10% health, it retreats to the center of the arena where it combines with the remains of its brethren to reform Gebdu. Gebdu retains all abilities from phase one, sans the totems. In addition,he uses

  • Beam: Same as before.
  • Summon Minion: Same as before.

Fourth Phase (Spalls)[]

"I will split the land for Baal."

At 50% of his overall health, Gebdu retreats to the center of the arena and fissures into 4 Spalls. These Spalls are slightly weaker than the first batch and retain all their skills, albeit slightly weaker.

  • Beam: The lasers are now only 2 beams.
  • Slam: This skill now releases only one cone of force.
  • Cave In: The Spalls punch the ground, causing a cave in. Stalactites continuously fall over the arena for 10 seconds.
  • Stone Spikes: Each Spall punches the ground and releases a wave of stone spikes.

Fifth Phase (Sandstorm)[]

"No light passes beyond earth."

When the last Spall is at 10% health, it retreats to the center of the arena where it combines with the remains of its brethren to reform Gebdu. Gebdu creates a sandstorm at the edge of the arena, forcing the player to remain near the center. He retains all abilities from the previous phases, but prioritizes his prolonged AoE attacks (cave ins, golems and totems).

  • Cave In: The cave ins are now initiated with a roar.
  • Totems: The totems are now 4 and repeatedly sweep the area with petrifying beams.
  • Ground Spikes: Gebdu roars then bumps his fists, creating 6 waves of stone spikes in all directions from himself.


  • "Children of earth's blood... smash and feast." (summons golems)
  • "<Roar!>" (death rattle)



  1. 2023-6-13,STEEL YOURSELF IN THE FACE OF DESTRUCTION’S WAKE.Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2023-6-13
  2. Horadric Bestiary