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Free the Damned is a Mount Zavain side quest in Diablo Immortal. It triggers by talking to an injured Harbin whenever he appears at the entrance to the Misty Valley from the Foggy Plains.

Free Damned-map

Where to find the side quest


  • Find the Villagers.
    (Harbin, a guard from Sentinel's Watch was looking for missing villagers when he was attacked. Fill in on his patrol and find them)
  • Talk to Ria.
    (A cultist is attempting to free the cult's prisoners. Talk to her)
  • Destroy the Sigils (0/3).
    (The "cultist" is actually an imposter named Ria. She's trying to break the cult's magic and set the prisoners free. Help her and destroy their sigils)
  • Defeat the Cultists (0/5).
    (The Cult of Damnation has spotted you and Ria interfering with their traps. Defeat them before more evil befalls their captives)
  • Talk to Ria.
    (Now that the cultists know of your involvement, talk to Ria to devise a quick plan to save the villagers)
  • Follow Ria.
    (Follow Ria to the cult's camp, where she hopes to save as many people as possible)
  • Distract the Cult(0/1).
    (Ria's plan involves igniting volatile fulminating potions while she sneaks into the camp. Light them and draw the cult's attention)
  • Defeat the Cultists (0/10).
    (The cult has arrived. Hold them off while Ria makes her way inside)
  • Find Ria.
    (Proceed through the cultists' camp and locate Ria)
  • Defeat the Cultists (0/6).
    (These cultists have claimed their last victim. Defeat them all)
  • Save Zizi (0/1).
    (Rias sister, Zizi, survived imprisonment and a loathsome demonic ceremony. Help her)
  • Talk to Harbin.
    (Harbin has arrived. Talk with him and see if he can help Zizi)


Free Damned
  • Harbin: Over here... please.
    Went to look after some villagers' reports... and I got knocked. We scaled down the patrols... don't suppose you could fill in?
Help Harbin look for the missing villagers in the Misty Valley
Damned Savior

The player comes across a peculiar sight; a Damned Cultist freeing a prisoner of the Cult of Damnation

  • Ria: Don't move. I'll let you free.
  • Ria: (to the player) The magic's still strong. I can't destroy it.
  • Class: Who are you?
  • Ria: I'm not part of the cult, I swear. I'm gonna infiltrate them. Please, you have to believe me... they've got my sister.
    They lure people in and trap them with this sigil. Zizi was sketching it, talking about liars everywhere. Makes me sick to look at.
  • Class: Their magic can broken. I'll show you how to do it.
After destroying the Sigils
Damned Attack

Ambushed by Damned Cultist

  • Damned Cultist: A liar amongst the truthful deserves the worst punishment of all.
Free Damned1

After defeating the Cultists

  • Ria: We need to get them away from the hostages before they hurt somebody. I have a plan... I think.
    Sentinel's Watch dragged their feet when I told them. So I stole some of their fulminating potions.
    You use them to distracted the Cultists, and I'll sneak in and free her. Free everybody they hornswoggled.
Follow Ria to the Cultists' Camp
  • Ria: It's just me and Zizi since ma died... I... I had to try something. You're a lifesaver.
At the entrance to the camp
  • Ria: That's where they camp. Ignite the potions, and I'll go over the wall.
Ignite the potion
Lured Cultists

The fumes attracted cultists

  • Damned Cultist: What is that?
    Such clamor. Drag this one before the Eye.
Ria sneaks into the camp as the player battles the Cultists
  • Class: I've got to get inside.
In the Cultists Camp
  • Class: Looks like Ria set someone free.
Free Damned2

Zizi is about to be sacrificed

  • Ria: Bastard! She doesn't belong to you!
  • Luno: You think you can deceive us? Hope only deceives the self.
End Ria

After a short alteration Luno kills Ria

Defeat the Cultists and free Zizi

  • Zizi: Ria! (runs over to Ria's corpse)
    No, no, no...
Harbin arrives
  • Harbin: What happened here?
  • Class: Ria... she died trying to help the captives. Her sister's alive.
  • Harbin: Poor girl. It's tougher being the survivor than being the dead, that's for sure.




  • Luno