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"The union of the Mother and the Father made us, made our home, and bound us to it."
Fire of Life Aura

The Fire of Life flows freely through the Ancients' Cradle

The Fire of Life is the union of Inarius' and Lilith's essence (called the Father's and Mother's Legacy by the locals)[1] that they imbued into Ancients' Cradle. It flows freely through the island in the appearance of a faint lavender aura.


Lore Scroll

A Lilin draws the Fire of Life from the land to do magic

The Fire of Life is a powerful force that permeates everywhere on the Ancients' Cradle. In high concentrations the Fire of Life condenses into crystals[2][3] (a property originating from the Mother's Legacy).[4] The locals use it to substitute for Arcane Power, and perform magic by drawing it from the land,[5] or from different structures brimming with it.[2][6] In dire times when no suitable sources are near, an Inari or Lilin can draw the Fire of Life from their own life force.[2] Because of its constituent nature, spells cast from unbalanced source of the Fire of Life are weaker than spells cast using only one of its components.[3] It is also used to power the different defensive structures of the land.[2] To best channel the Fire of Life, the Pathstone is needed.

The Fire of Life is made up of the Father's Legacy and the Mother's Legacy in a balanced union. Demonic energies can unbalance it, though the Father's Legacy tries to resist it.[7] When unbalanced, the Mother's Legacy goes rampant and begins to corrupt everything, including humans,[8] animals,[9] constructs,[1] the environment,[10][11] and even the dead.[7]

Father's Legacy[]

"If a god ever slumbered in Sanctuary, this is its bed."

- A Monk, after witnessing the shrine of Inarius in Shieldholm(src)

Father's Legacy

The Pathstone being charged with the Father's Legacy at Inarius's shrine in Shieldholm

The Father's Legacy is the angelic half of the Fire of Life. It is the essence of Inarius, and originates from his shrine at the western end of the island. It has the appearance of a glorious golden aura, and has been likened to a god.[1]

All structures in Shieldholm are powered by the Father's Legacy. Inari Conservators wield staves that enable them to channel the Father's Legacy exclusively for various effects like teleporting, creating barriers and binding prisoners.[2] The Father's Legacy is used to enact sentences such as Purity's Penance; a punishment where the condemned is bound by Conservators and is made to endure several lightning strikes of the Father's Legacy. The extent of injury the condemned receives depends on the guilt — from unscathed (completely innocent)[11] to blindness, to death (severe guilt).[12]

Mother's Legacy[]

"Did losing the Pathstone transform these halls? Or were they always like this?"

- The Shard-seeker, upon seeing the intensity of corruption caused by the Mother's Legacy(src)

The Mother's Legacy is the demonic half of the Fire of Life. It is the essence of Lilith, and originates from her shrine at the northern end of the island. It has the appearance of a ominous red aura. Because of its nature, it can easily be used by cultists for demonic magic,[1][3] and in large concentrations, can even overpower its counterpart.[1]

The Mother's Legacy is very corrupting, and is the main cause of the affliction. The Afflicted have been observed to only be able to channel it, and not the full Fire of Life.

Despite this, the Lilin normally imbue their weapons with the Mother's Legacy.[13]


The Beginning[]

"After the war, the Father returned to us, forever changed. He had condemned his children, sealed away the Fire of Life. Only those with angelic blood were permitted to guard its embers."

After Inarius banished Lilith to the Void, he returned to Ancients' Cradle changed. He condemned the Lilin for siding with Lilith and took the Worldstone from the island. He also sealed the Fire of Life to embers. Before he left, he created the Pathstone from the Fire of Life that would keep it stable.[14] He then gave the artifact to one of his favored (the first Prevailing Wind).[5]

Without Inarius or Lilith, the Fire of Life was maintained by embers drawn from the shrines to Inarius and Lilith at Shieldholm and the Commingling Pit.[1][10]


"I told you — this island has power in it. The Fire of Life. A force that touches everyone here. I do not remember it being so... uncontrolled."

- Zatham(src)

Over time, the Inari gradually seized power for themselves and began to suppress the Lilin. At a point in the 13th century, Elder Morwith of the Lilin stole the Pathstone (the only way in or out of the Cradle) and escaped with her followers.[5]

Without the Pathstone to stabilize it, the Fire of Life tilted towards Lilith's Legacy (likely because of the hatred existing between the Inari and Lilin), and began to run rampant across the island. This caused social breakdown of both the Inari and Lilin, and disfigured everything it touched. Animals and plants were fused together to form new monstrosities.[15]

Some of the Lilin, desperate to cure themselves of the affliction, began offering sacrifices to Lilith and begging for her favor at her shrine in the Commingling Pit.[10]

It Began with Terror...[]

C. 1272, the Cult of Terror arrived at the Ancients' Cradle.

Repelled Shard

The Fire of Life repels the cult's attempt to purify a Worldstone shard

They tried drawing on the Fire of Life through one of the obelisks scattered around on the outskirts of the island, but was rejected by the Father's Legacy.[7] After that, they traveled deeper into the island, torturing[5] and questioning[2] the locals but were unable to get information. Instead they managed to rouse the fury of the Fire of Life.[2]

The cult were able to harvest some of the Mother's Legacy successfully


This section contains facts and trivia relevant to this article.
Donan Fire Life

Donan channels an aura that looks suspiciously like the Fire of Life when purifying Astaroth 's soulstone

  • The Shard-seeker (a member of the Horadrim) on at least one occasion, collected pieces of crystalized Fire of Life.[16] During the Reign of Enmity, Donan (another member of the Horadrim) channeled an aura that looks suspiciously like the Fire of Life when purifying Astaroth's soulstone.[17] Since the Fire of Life is known to be able to purify Worldstone shards from a demon's taint,[3] this can imply that the Horadrim found a way to mimic/reverse-engineer the Fire of Life.
"Ahhh.. the power of creation. It has been too long."

- Baal,as he absorb the Fire of Life from within the Worldstone shard.(src)

  • The Fire of Life might actually be Inarius's and Lilith's essence when they were empowered by the power of the Worldstone. While Baal absorbed it from within the Cage of Creation, he referred to it as "the power of creation".[3]

