Diablo Wiki
Fire Golem

Firegolem Fire Golem

Class: Necromancer

Skill Tree: Summoning Spells

Required Level: 30

Prerequisites: Clay GolemBlood GolemIron Golem → Fire Golem

Effect: A Golem of fire that uses fire damage to heal itself.

Damage Type: Fire & Holy Fire Aura

Hit Points: 328(Normal) | 643(Nightmare) | 1063(Hell)

Defense: 235

Attack Rating: 140

Fire Golem Receives Synergies From:

It is believed that all life was forged when fire, earth, iron and flesh were combined. A Necromancer learned in this art can summon a Golem constructed entirely from living flame. The Necromancer summons the Golem through accelerating particles of the air at an ever increasing pace. These particles then ignite and the Golem crackles into existence, seemingly out of thin air.

The Fire Golem causes massive fire splash damage similar to the Paladin's Holy Fire Aura, causing monsters in the area to become hit by fire.

When the Fire Golem is summoned or dies, it causes fire splash damage. You can continue to summon a Fire Golem over and over next to monsters to cause fire splash damage to them.
