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Familiars DI


Familiars were added to Diablo Immortal in the Splintered Souls update.


Tales of Familiars are thought to be merely stories woven to captivate the young minds of Sanctuary and caution its overzealous explorers—but they are all true. They speak of companion creatures hailing from forgotten reaches of the world;[1] beasts of the desert, fluorescent beings of light, tree-dwelling spirits of a most predatory nature.[2]

Familiars are known to the Witches of the Untameable Wilds circle, who sign spiritual contracts binding them to mortals.[1] The Untameable Wilds Circle refers to them as Qlnae, or "the locals."[3] Bound familiars share a bond with their masters. When the masters are trapped in the deepest recess of their minds due to mental duress, familiar can access the Darkling Plane to rescue them.[4]


Familiars can be summoned using a Familiar Contract at the Summoning Table. 1 or 5 contracts can be used at the same time. Summoning will result in a random familiar, with the following chances for rarities:

  • 39.56% for Common (6 Common to 6 Rare Passive Skills, regular Attributes limit)
  • 50% for Magic (6 Common to 6 Rare Passive Skills, good Attributes limit)
  • 10.44% for Rare (1 to 6 Rare Passive Skills, excellent Attributes limit)

Familiar Contracts can be purchased from Nisza.

Familiars can be leveled up by feeding them Spirit Essence. It takes 58 Spirit Essence for a familiar to reach maximum level.

One familiar can be set as Companion. A Companion familiar automatically uses its Active Skill in battle and pick up most items.

Up to 4 familiars can be set as Bonded. The Bond slots must be unlocked for Gold - 100k, 500k, 2M and 5M respectively.

List of Familiars[]

Familiar Skills Ferocity Agility Insight Resilience
Varog Forest's Wrath 50-140 60-200 50-180 20-90
Skitterwight Toxic Pool 50-180 20-90 60-200 50-140
Stormlost Boltstorm 20-90 60-200 50-180 50-140
Quakestrider Sand Vortex 60-200 20-90 50-140 50-180
Myrrjen Aquatic Chains 60-200 50-140 20-90 50-180
Broodtalon Flame Wave 50-140 50-180 60-200 20-90
Ash Sweeper Rain of Stone 50-180 50-140 20-90 60-200
Duskprowler Spirit Shroud 20-90 50-180 50-140 60-200
Bramblestalker Sporeburst 50-180 20-90 60-200 50-140

Passive Skills[]

  • Rupture: Each hit on the same enemy with the Familiar's Active Skill increases its damage by 1%, up to 4%.


  • Maim: Increases your Critical Hit Chance by 1%
  • Finesse: Increases your skill damage by 1%
  • Fiendish Haste: Increases damage dealt to players by 1%
  • Prescience: Damage from other players reduced by 1%
  • Survival Instinct: Maximum life increased by 1%
  • Bestial Might: Primary Attack damage increased by 1.5%
  • Decimate: Critical Hit damage increased by 1.5%
  • Steadfast: Damage Reduction increased by 0.5%
  • Salvager: Allows remote salvaging
  • Appraiser: Allows remote identification
  • Pack Mule: Allows remote Armory management

Normal vs. Aberrant[]

Familiars obtained from Contracts are always Normal. Converting 3 Normal familiars has a chance to produce an Aberrant familiar. The two types of familiar are different in what processes are applicable to them as well as the cost and potential results of processes common to both.

An Aberrant familiar is indicated by a purple flag icon. Only Aberrant familiars can be Legendary, and this requires them to have a stat over 170 and an Advanced trait.


Conversion is available from the Familiar interface. It requires 3 max-level familiars of the same classification (Normal or Aberrant). It consumes the 3 familiars and creates a new one. When converting normal familiars, there is 20% chance to obtain an aberrant familiar in addition to the conversion result, which may be of a different species.

Conversion Stones can only be used for Aberrant familiars and guarantee that the familiar quality does not decrease.

Exchange Attributes[]

Exchange Attributes is available from Nisza. It requires 2 familiars, but they don't have to match in classification. The process costs 3000 platinum. The result is that the two familiars will have their 4 main stats swapped. There is no way to pick and choose which stats to transfer. The quality of the familiars is updated after the exchange.


Aberrant Familiars can be sold on the Market. A familiar bought from the Market has a 2 day cooldown before it can be sold again. There is a countdown for this but it's hidden at the very bottom of the familiar info tooltip, under the descriptions of the passive skills.

Familiar Expedition[]

Familiar Expedition

Familiar Expedition menu

Bonded Familiars can be sent on expeditions at Nisza. The following expeditions are avaiable:

  • Iben Fahd's Sanctum: Gives the Aspirant's Keys and the culling stones from the free chest. Available once per day, and the respective rewards can no longer be obtained by running the Sanctum manually. The return time is 6 hours.

    Once intended for Horadric training, your familiar will benefit from exploration. Send your familiar to explore the ancient premises and discover any loot that remains.

  • Shadow Contract: Gives the rewards for completing the contract, including the weekly Marks reward if available. Reduces the number of available contracts by one, and cannot be sent if there are no available contracts. The return time is 18 hours.
  • Accursed Tower purification: Increases the contribution points for the tower by 200. Available for every tower owned by the clan until the contribution is full. The return time is 6 hours.
  • Bounties (limited-time during the 2025 run of Tong-Shi's Renewal): Completes 4 bounties at a time. Only available for dispatch once per day. Cannot be used to complete Hellslayer Bounties. The return time is 24 hours.

Multiple familiars can be sent on the same expedition. The number of familiars divides the completion time accordingly. There is no way to recall or add familiars to an expedition that is already in progress. Additional expeditions can be started for an expedition type if there are familiars available and the expedition limit hasn't been reached.[5]

Familiars can be unbonded, sold or converted while on expedition. The expedition screen will continue to display the portrait of the no-longer-owned familiar until the reward for the expedition is claimed, after which it is replaced with the current familiar for that slot.


When visualizing the Familiars, the art team took inspiration from multiple mythological creatures.[6]


Melding was another process for combining familiars. It required 2 max-level familiars, and could only be used on Normal familiars. It combined the two familiars into one, allowed picking between their skills and increased the stats of the primary familiar if the sacrificed one had a higher stat.

In the July 10, 2024 update, familiars' item pickup speed was increased.

The update on September 11, 2024 added the ability to empower multiple familiars at the same time, added Conversion Stone Fragments as rewards for ending pacts, and melding using Conversion Stones to add rare skills to familiars (the cost increasing with the number of Rare skills that the familiar has: 0/1/2/3/4/5 skills required 1 shard/1/2/3/8/16 stones). From this update onwards, the companion familiar appears on the character select screen.

The September 25, 2024 update added the ability to save familiar selection to the Armory.

The October 30, 2024 update added a highlight rectangle on the melding screen to show which species is being preserved, added a button to remove a familiar without replacing it, and a display of active traits on the Traits button.

The December 13, 2024 update added expeditions, removed melding, and changed the mechanics of conversion such that instead of normal familiars randomly turning into an aberrant one, the aberrant familiar is randomly obtained as an extra. This update also made new normal familiars untradeable, and added Enhanced Rare skills and Legendary Traits as a possibility on normal familiars.


  1. 1.0 1.1 2023-12-06, SPLINTERED SOULS CONVERGE IN THE SOUTHERN DREADLANDS. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2023-12-15
  2. 2023-12-12, REPEL DEMONIC DEFILEMENT IN SPLINTERED SOULS. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2023-12-15
  3. Diablo Immortal, Familiars
  4. 2023-12-12; REPEL DEMONIC DEFILEMENT IN SPLINTERED SOULS. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2024-11-24
  5. 2024-12-5; Your Fated Fight Against Diablo Draws Near. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2024-12-24
  6. 2023-12-07, Diablo Immortal | Splintered Souls | Dev Video Update. YouTube, accessed on 2023-12-18