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Endless Strife-map

Where to find the side quest

Endless Strife is a Bilefen side quest in Diablo Immortal. It is activated by talking to Ross whenever he appears in the Putrid Marsh.


  • Find the Bygone Blades (0/4).
    (The scholar Ross wants to find blades from the dead to learn about an ancient people whose statue he's discovered. Help him)
  • Find a Bygone Staff
  • Give Ross the Bygone weapons.
    (Return to Ross with the items he wants to study)
  • Address the Statue.
    (When Ross raised the weapons, the statue awoke and started moving towards him. Address it)
  • Follow the Incarnate.
    (The statue said it would guide the worthy into their old kingdom, "Valostre". Predictably, Ross wants to follow--you should too)
  • Defeat the Nephalem Spirits(0/9).
    (Spirits have attacked you within a shadowed realm. Defeat them all)
  • Talk to the Incarnate.
    (You've defeated your opponents. Perhaps the Incarnate that brought you here would let you free if you demand it)
  • Defeat the Incarnate (0/1).
    (The Incarnate is unconvinced that you want to leave. Defeat it in battle)
  • Talk to Ross.
    (With the Incarnate defeat you've broken free from the strange realm. Talk to Ross)


Endless Strife
  • Ross: Adventurer, your timing is impecable. I've just started to puzzle out the pictograms on this statue. They're from an old, old people.
    They depict warriors crossing swords in battle, and carrying staves made of human bones. And symbols of immortality and eternity surround the victors--look here.
    If you gather some weapons from the preserved dead nearby, maybe I can learn more of their rites. There's knowledge and gold in it for you.
  • Class: I'll bring you some old swords and staves. But you need to be careful with them.
Collect Bygone Swords from Returned Warriors
  • Class: I should get a staff now and save myself a trip.
Collect a Bygone Staff from a Returned Mage. After that give the bygone weapons to Ross
  • Ross: Well? Let's see what we can uncover. I'll just practice the forms in the pictograms a bit.
Awaken Incarnate

Ross activates the statue with the bygone weapons

  • Ross: It's...moving!
  • Incarnate of Valostre: The song of battle sounds again. From Valostre, we raise our voices in answer.
    You have pledged with the weapons of the dead. Follow me to eternal glory.
  • Ross: Valostre. It could be a name for the land where the temple stood. Or that arena nearby. Both, perhaps--I can't imagine they were a particularly creative people.
  • Incarnate of Valostre: Only the strongest are permitted entry.
Incarnate Guide

Follow the Incarnate as it guides you to the secrets of Valostre

  • Incarnate of Valostre: I sense your interest. Stay close, and I will guide you.
  • Ross: Ancient one, tell me everything. What did your people do in...Valostre?
    Was it competition? Entertainment? Sacrifice?
    Did you obtain immortality?
    Hello? These are important questions!
  • Incarnate of Valostre: Welcome.
Incarnate Realm

The Incarnate transports itself and the player to a shadowed realm, leaving Ross behind

  • Ross: They vanished.
    Can you hear me?
  • Class: What happened to Ross? Where are we?
  • Incarnate of Valostre: You are proven. Like us, you are chosen for battle. Tied to conflict that cannot end.
Incarnate Arena

The Incarnate creates an arena

  • Incarnate of Valostre: Unlike us, you are new. And we crave a new opponent.
The Incarnate summons opponents for the player to fight. After defeating them
  • Class: I've won your battle. Let me go.
  • Incarnate of Valostre: There is no greater source of knowledge than conflict. You understand this already.
    However, we need never abandon the fight. Even though our wars are long ended.
  • Class: That sounds like pointless bloodshed.
  • Incarnate of Valostre: You only say that because you have not faced an opponent of your skill. I will change that.
Incarnate Sport

The Incarnate shows Valostre's bloody culture

  • Incarnate of Valostre: None of our ilk escape the cycle. You will learn to enjoy it.
    The spilling of entrails. The wantonness of those who watch.
  • Incarnate of Valostre: Vigor and greatness born of neverending strife.
Incarnate Reveal

The Incarnate shows its true form

After defeating the Incarnate
Exit Shadowed Realm

The player is returned to Sanctuary

  • Ross: Where's the statue? Did you go somewhere else? I'll bet it was magnificent.
  • Class: It was less magnificent and more...a trap. A bloodsport for the dead. You wouldn't have liked it.
  • Ross: I...oh. Very well. Being beneath notice has its advantages.



