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EPRIconD4 Endless Pyre
Burning effects deal an additional 15% damage for each second the target remains Burning, up to a total of 75% after 5 seconds.

Total Ranks: 1

Requires: Blaze of Glory OR Burning Resonance OR Devouring Flames

Mutually Exclusive: Conflagration

Endless Pyre is an ultimate Sorceress passive talent in the Fire branch. It cannot be taken with Conflagration.


This talent only has one single rank, and makes each Burning effect application from any Fire Skill to grow in power as it lasts, up to 5 seconds.

Note that any effect that is refreshed will also drop the damage bonus back to zero and begin accumulating it anew. Each Burning effect will have its own timer.

For Meteor and Firewall, the timer ticks from the cast, not from the moment enemy actually starts Burning, so their effect is not reset even if recast.

Minor Destruction
LightningFire BoltFrost BoltArc Lash
Major Destruction
Charged BoltsFireballIce ShardsIncinerateChain LightningFrozen Orb
Flame ShieldIce ArmorBlizzardTeleport
Frost NovaLightning SpearIce BladesHydra
FirewallNovaMeteorBall Lightning
Deep FreezeInfernoConduit
Potent WardingDevastationAlign the ElementsPrecision MagicInexorable ReachElemental AttunementChar to AshSoulfireBlaze of GloryBurning ResonanceDevouring FlamesEndless PyreConflagrationNumbing ColdIcy TouchCold SnapHoarfrostFrostbiteChill to the BoneEndless WinterCeaseless BoltsOverchargeConvulsionsStaggerCrackling AuraShocking StrikesLightning Mastery
