"You made for excellent company in my dreams, Joanie. Though... you did not look nearly as tense. Talk to me, tell me of your woes. Before those creases in your brow set in!"
Elise is a relic trader/con that lives in Westmarch.
"Do you not remember when we first traveled to Caldeum? Painting rocks with nonsense, claiming they were from the far off island of "Zarah"? It is not hard to fool those who are entertained by the lie."
Elise is a long time friend of Joan. At a point they traveled to Caldeum where they painted rocks with scribbles and claimed they were relics from the (fictional) far off island of Zarah. Later they settled down in Westmarch.[1]
Elise is an NPC in Diablo Immortal. She is featured in the contract "Shady Business".