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Drifter Cavern
Act Act V
Quests None
Monsters Snow Drifter,
Vile Tempress
Uniques on Normal Stygian Harlot,
Frozen Scourge
Monsters - Nightmare,Hell Abominable,
Vile Tempress,
Frozen Terror
Guest Monsters Succubus,
Night Clan,
Dark Archer,
Bone Mage C,
Moon Lord,
Uniques and Champions Quantity 0-1 (Normal)
3-4 (Nightmare)
6-8 (Hell)
Adjacent Zones Glacial Trail
Area Level Normal 29
Area Level Nightmare 61
Area Level Hell Original 84

Resurrect 85

Waypoint No

The Drifter Cavern is an optional dungeon accessible from the Glacial Trail.

It's an square-shaped area with icy water that is lot smaller than Frozen River, but still has the same amount of Uniques and Champions.


This area is called "Echo Chamber" in the files.
