Diablo Wiki
For the class as it appears in Diablo Immortal, see Demon Hunter (Diablo Immortal).
For the class as it appears in Diablo III, see Demon Hunter (Diablo III).
"My family was butchered by hellspawn. To witness such a thing is enough to leave your mind in ruins. The madness killed my sister, and left me frightened and alone. Until I was rescued. Rescued by survivors, who had joined together to rid the world of the creatures of Hell. They saw in me the strength to resist the demons. And they forged me into a weapon. Now, I am ready. A meteor has fallen in Tristram, and the dead have risen in its wake. I will send them back to their graves. Once, I was hunted. Now...I am the hunter."

- Valla(src)

The Demon Hunters are a group of humans based in the Dreadlands, dedicated to hunting demons.


"Rage. Hate. Fear. They all feed upon one another. A demon hunter learns how to direct hate. But such a balance is precarious. And when that balance is lost, the cycle begins: Hate begets Destruction. Destruction begets Terror as Terror begets Hate."

- Josen(src)

Demon Hunters

A group of Demon Hunters

Demon Hunters are relentless vigilantes who execute their infernal targets with an arsenal of ranged weapons at their full disposal. They crouch and take aim far from danger, relying on bows and crossbows, deadly traps, and projectiles to swiftly bring an end to the creatures that haunt their world. With sweeping blasts of shot, wide salvos of arrows and timed explosives at their disposal, Demon Hunters excel at devastating groups of foes who cluster together. Hunters’ pinpoint accuracy also allows them to deal with stronger monsters at a distance: they can snipe at key targets or fall back while snapping off kill shots at advancing foes. However, Demon Hunters’ focus on ranged combat and limited melee-weapons training leave them in danger when they’re cornered or surrounded. Evasive skills like defensive rolls and jumps, as well as targeted attacks that hamstring and slow enemies, are as crucial to survival as any arrow or bolt in a hunter's quiver.[2]

Demon Hunter vs Fallen

A Demon Hunter in battle

In the year 1270, the Demon Hunters were just starting to form.[3] Sworn to the destruction of the creatures of the Burning Hells,[1] the Demon Hunters are few in number[2]—only in the hundreds[1] and do not owe their allegiance to any one king or country. Rather, Demon Hunters are those who have lost their homes and loved ones to demonspawn. When their homes are burned down and their families butchered by demons, most newly scarred refugees give up on living – but a few bury their dead, band together, and swear vengeance.[2] It was from one such act that the creed of the Demon Hunters was created.[4]


A female Demon Hunter

There is something in all Demon Hunters that gives them the strength to resist the demonic corruption that would drive lesser men to madness. They hone this power, for their resistance to this taint enables them to use the demons' power as a weapon.[1] Yet they dare not dream of victory, or, even less likely, peace. They cannot hope to return to their former lives, and are perpetually at war within themselves, striving to balance their hatred for demons with the need of discipline. But still, they hunt, hoping that if they can save even but one life from the forces of Hell, the world will be better for it. Haunted by their pasts and fueled by vengeance in the present, they can do nothing else.[2]

Demon Hunters are feared by some of the same people they aim to save. Some say that Demon Hunters are no better than the demons they hunt, that they bring death and destruction with them. And indeed, sometimes, a Demon Hunter loses their ability to control their fear or hatred, and consequently lose themselves to their violent impulses.[5] Criminals among the Demon Hunters are given three days worth of food and water and banished.[6] Many Demon Hunters' eyes glow with hellfire, due to peering into demons and seeing vengeance.[5] There are some moral lines the Demon Hunters refuse to cross.[7]

At any given point in time, over half of the Demon Hunters are operating outside the Dreadlands, hunting down hellspawn wherever they may be found in Sanctuary.[1]

Recruitment and Training[]

Demon Hunter-DI2

A Demon Hunter

The Demon Hunter order is currently based in the Dreadlands. This is so they can live and train without the interference of any nation that would worry over having such a group camped within its borders.[1] Additionally, the abundance of demons and other foul creatures in the area gives recruits plenty of opportunities to hone their skills.[8]

Demon Hunters do not force anyone to join them. Rather, upon coming across those who have suffered from demons, their first priority is to feed, shelter, heal, educate, and train them. After that, they may choose to become a Demon Hunter.[5] Most Demon Hunters are recruited into the order as children.[9]

Few traditions exist within the order, as every Demon Hunter must walk their own path. However, a master can still train an apprentice Demon Hunter, and may even pass on their armor to their apprentice—an honor that few apprentices would refuse.[10] The Demon Hunter order is led by the Order-masters; only those who fully temper their hatred with discipline earn the right to bear their sigil.[11] Trainee Demon Hunters are referred to as neophytes.[12]

Tactics and Capabilities[]

"We can wear the demons’ armaments, their very flesh, upon our bodies, and become something more than human — a nightmare reflection of demonkind — to sow chaos and death among them."

Demon Hunter attire

Demon Hunters train to hold back the darkness with unconventional combinations of weaponry and fighting styles that only they can employ. They are masters of the hand crossbow – quick-reloading, fast-firing ranged weapons that they use to turn demons into their temporary quivers. Demon Hunters are so adept in the hand crossbow’s use that they can dual wield them. Other elements of their arsenal include longbows, grenades, and hand-thrown weapons. When hunting packs of demons, Demon Hunters rely on traps to deal with their foes. Demon Hunters can also wield apocryphal magics, to sneak through the shadows and deal with their prey, or escape their foes' notice.

Fledgling Demon Hunters wear light, flexible leather to guard their wrists and throat, and hoods to hide their faces and blend in with shadows. As they grow in skill, they may don more protective armor, that also allows them to store more of the gear on which they rely to hunt their foes.[2] Demon Hunters can also wear armor worn by demons, and can even wear demons' flesh in an effort to sow chaos and death among their foes.[13] Fear is one of the greatest weapons in a Demon Hunter's arsenal, and whenever possible, they use this to make their foes break ranks so they can be picked off.[14]


Diablo Immortal[]

The Demon Hunter is a playable class in Diablo Immortal.

Diablo III[]

The Demon Hunter is a playable class in Diablo III.


Demon Hunters are a class that also exist in Blizzard's Warcraft series. The class also makes an appearance in Heroes of the Storm, as represented by Valla.

A Demon Hunter skin is available for Sombra in Overwatch as a reward for attending or purchasing a virtual ticket for BlizzCon 2018.[15]

Known Demon Hunters[]

"You are so dedicated! You cling to the idea that you can rid the world of demons, when it is demonstrably untrue!"
Demon Hunter-DIcncpt

A Demon Hunter


This section contains facts and trivia relevant to this article.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The Writings of Abd al-Hazir: The Demon Hunters
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Classes: Demon Hunter, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2013-07-03
  3. 2018-11-03, BlizzCon 2018 Diablo Q&A Liveblog. Blizzard Watch, accessed on 2018-11-09
  4. Diablo III, Danetta's Spite
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Hatred and Discipline
  6. Diablo III, Kormac Dialogue
  7. 2023-07-07, Diablo Developer Update - July 2023. YouTube, accessed on 2023-07-19
  8. Book of Cain
  9. 2018-11-17, BlizzCon 2018 Diablo Immortal World and Q&A Panel Transcript. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2018-11-20
  10. Heroes of the Storm, Valla Master Skin Lore
  11. Heroes of the Storm, Demon Hunter Warbanner
  12. Heroes of the Storm, Valla Ordermaster Lore
  13. Diablo III, Marauder's Carapace
  14. Diablo III, Marauder's Spines
  15. 2018-09-12, BlizzCon 2018 Virtual Ticket: Sombra Demon Hunter Legendary Skin. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2018-09-14