Diablo Wiki
CRCKAIconD4 Crackling Aura
Deals Lightning damage to a random enemy every 11 seconds. Intervals are reduced based on allocated points.

Total Ranks: 5

Requires: Overcharge OR Ceaseless Bolts

Crackling Aura is a Sorceress passive talent, loosely resembling the classic Thunder Storm spell and Storm Armor.


The damage of the Aura is dynamic (changing with the Sorceress's own stats), but additional points will only reduce the interval between strikes. It always chooses a random foe within the standard cast range (same as most other spells), with no control over which one will be hit. It only affects a single target.

Lightning damage done by the Aura can critically hit and does benefit from most other talents:


  • Potent Warding (5): Elemental damage and resistances are increased by 2% per point.
  • Devastation (5): Critical Strike chance is increased by 2% per point.
  • Precision Magic (5): Elemental damage increases over time, up to a maximum of 5% per point after 3 seconds. Attacking resets this effect.
  • Inexorable Reach (5): Damage is increased by 3% per point against enemies outside of melee range.
  • Ceaseless Bolts (5): Lightning Critical Strikes increase Critical Strike chance by 2% per point for 5 seconds, up to 10% per point.
  • Overcharge (5): Lightning Critical Strikes have up to a 1% chance per point to release 3 Charged Bolts.
  • Convulsions (5): Lightning skills have up to a 2% chance per point to Stun enemies for 3 seconds.
  • Stagger (5): Enemies deal 4% less damage per point for 3 seconds after being hit by Lightning skills.
  • Shocking Strikes (1): Each time Lightning skills hit an enemy, they take 8% increased Lightning damage for 1.5 seconds, stacking up to 40%.
  • Lightning Mastery (1): Lightning damage is increased by 40% against enemies within melee range.
  • Burning Resonance (5): Damaging a Burning enemy has up to a 25% chance to restore 2% Mana per point.
  • Frostbite (5): Damage against Chilled enemies is increased by 2% per point.
  • Endless Winter (1): Critical strike chance against Chilled and Frozen enemies is increased by 30%, but Chill effects no longer Freeze.

Minor Destruction
LightningFire BoltFrost BoltArc Lash
Major Destruction
Charged BoltsFireballIce ShardsIncinerateChain LightningFrozen Orb
Flame ShieldIce ArmorBlizzardTeleport
Frost NovaLightning SpearIce BladesHydra
FirewallNovaMeteorBall Lightning
Deep FreezeInfernoConduit
Potent WardingDevastationAlign the ElementsPrecision MagicInexorable ReachElemental AttunementChar to AshSoulfireBlaze of GloryBurning ResonanceDevouring FlamesEndless PyreConflagrationNumbing ColdIcy TouchCold SnapHoarfrostFrostbiteChill to the BoneEndless WinterCeaseless BoltsOverchargeConvulsionsStaggerCrackling AuraShocking StrikesLightning Mastery
